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November midterm elections: News and updates from the campaign trail

Live updates on the 2022 midterm campaigns from Fox News. Stay up-to-date about all events and latest news surrounding the 2022 midterm races for the House and Senate, primary elections, and more!

06:17 PM, September 12, 2022

Sen. Mark Kelly at a loss for words when asked if if thinks Biden is doing a good job as president

Sen. Mark Kelly, D-Ariz., who is running for reelection in one of the most closely watched Senate races of the election cycle, was at a loss for words after being asked by a reporter if he believes President Joe Biden is doing a good job as president.

Kelly stuttered in his response, before saying, "it's not my job to give him a report card."

Kelly is facing off against Trump-endorsed GOP candidate Blake Masters this fall, in the "toss-up" Senate race that will play a key role in which party will take control of the Senate this fall, as the Democrats cling to their majority.

The comment comes after several Democrats seeking reelection this November seem to be distancing themselves from the president, following his low national approval rating and the rising costs of gas and consumer goods that occurred under the Biden administration.

One of the most recent attempts came from Rep. Nancy Kaptur, D-Ohio, after she released a campaign ad clearly breaking ties from Biden.

"Joe Biden is letting Ohio solar manufacturers be undercut by China, but Marcy Kaptur is fighting back," a narrator states in an advertisement for her campaign.

“Marcy Kaptur: She doesn’t work for Joe Biden; she works for you,” the ad concluded.

Posted by Aubrie Spady
06:37 PM, September 12, 2022

Democratic Rep. Charlie Crist compares himself to Jesus Christ, calls midterm opponent 'DeSatan'

DeSantis War Room, a Twitter account promoting Gov. Ron DeSantis in his reelection campaign, posted a video Monday of Rep. Charlie Crist comparing the Republican governor to Satan and himself to Jesus Christ.

"This is an election about decency. About being decent to one another. About being kind to everyone," Crist said before calling his GOP opponent "DeSatan."

“Some people call him DeSatan," Crist told the room of supporters, pointing to his campaign sign and how the race is "DeSatan" versus "Christ."

“The choice is clear. There's no question about it. It’s crystal clear: he’s bad, we’re good.”

Crist, who recently resigned his seat representing Florida's 13th Congressional District, is the Democratic nominee that is taking on DeSantis this fall.

Posted by Aubrie Spady
05:12 PM, September 12, 2022

John Fetterman spoke to thousands at abortion rally on 9/11, still hasn't agreed to debate schedule

Lt. Gov. John Fetterman spoke to a crowd of over 3,000 Pennsylvanians at an abortion rally, even as the Senate candidate still hasn't finalized a debate schedule against Republican Mehmet Oz due to "auditory processing" issues.

Planned Parenthood held a "Women for Fetterman" rally in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, Sunday for the Democrat in an apparent effort to influence more pro-choice women voters to support him this fall. 

Fetterman, recently agreed to one mid- to late-October debate against Oz. The Democrat had previously been hesitant to confirm a debate schedule as he recovers from lasting auditory effects from his May stroke. If a debate does take place in October, it would be after the beginning of early voting, leaving many Pennsylvanians to cast their ballots without hearing the candidates square off against each other.

Read more from Fox News' Aubrie Spady here.

Posted by Brandon Gillespie
01:40 PM, September 12, 2022

Republican J.D. Vance, Democrat Tim Ryan tied in Ohio Senate race, according to new poll

The race for Ohio's next U.S. senator remains tight as a new Monday poll shows Republican nominee J.D. Vance and Democratic nominee Rep. Tim Ryan neck and neck just eight weeks ahead of the November midterm elections.

The poll, conducted by USA Today Network Ohio and Suffolk University between Sept. 5 and Sept. 7, shows Ryan slightly ahead with 46.6% of likely voters to Vance's 45.6%, well within the poll's plus or minus 4.4 percentage point margin of error.

Just 6% of likely voters remain undecided, while 1.4% say they will vote for someone else.

Read more from Fox News' Brandon Gillespie here.

Posted by Brandon Gillespie
11:52 AM, September 12, 2022

Dr. Oz calls out Fetterman for not confirming debate, after agreeing to only one before November

Dr. Mehmet Oz is once again calling out Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, D-Pa., for not finalizing a debate before the November midterm elections in a new video.

The video comes just days after Fetterman agreed to one debate against Oz. The location and date of the anticipated matchup have not been set, however, it is expected to take place in October.

"John Fetterman used to say that candidates need to debate. Now, he’s refusing to," Oz wrote alongside the video, while continuing to push to for a September debate that would take place prior to when early voting begins.

Fetterman suffered a stroke in May, leaving him with some auditory processing issues that have made him unable to debate Oz. Following the stroke, he declined a September debate against his GOP opponent until he was physically able for the task.

Over the past week, Fetterman has been speaking at rallies in his state, but has not yet confirmed the debate against Oz.

Posted by Aubrie Spady
10:24 AM, September 12, 2022

Democrat campaign group adds millions to beef up field organizing efforts to protect Senate majority

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) is pouring millions into its field organizing efforts ahead of November's midterm elections in a bid to protect the party's majority in the Senate.

According to Politico, the DSCC will be adding $16 million to the already $30 million spent on its field programs, bringing the total investment to $46 million so far for the cycle.

The organization will be partnering with state Democratic parties, as well as campaigns, for the added investment.

Posted by Brandon Gillespie

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