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President Biden picks Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to serve on Supreme Court: LIVE UPDATES

President Biden announces he has picked Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to serve on the Supreme Court.


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White House says Biden told Jackson of SCOTUS decision last night

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki told reporters that President Biden informed Judge Jackson of his decision last night.

She said that Biden interviewed the final three candidates, including Jackson, on Monday Feb 14. in person.

"He made his final decision and called Judge Jackson last night," Psaki said.

Biden then called Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn separately this morning to inform them of his decision.

Posted by Adam Shaw

Ketanji Brown Jackson's nomination to Supreme Court delights progressives

President Biden's nomination of Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court delighted progressives, particularly for her public defender background.

Biden, who had pledged to nominate the first Black woman to the Supreme Court, announced Friday he had selected Jackson, long rumored to be a front-runner for the pick.

While her confirmation would not change the current 6-3 balance of conservatives and liberals on the Court, her selection was cause for celebration for progressives.

"[A] former public defender on the court is a welcome change of pace from the usual resume for a scotus nominee," New York Times columnist Jamelle Bouie wrote.

"If confirmed, she will be the first black woman to sit on the court and will bring her experience as a public defender to a court where that is currently missing. Her years of experience make her worthy of bipartisan support," MSNBC legal analyst Joyce Vance wrote.

Click for more from Fox News' David Rutz

Posted by Adam Shaw

Jackson expected to begin meeting with senators next week

Per Fox News' Chad Pergram: Fox News is told to expect Judge Jackson to begin her visits with senators next week.

Former Sen. Doug Jones, D-Ala., will serve as the “sherpa” and shepherd her around the Senate to various meetings. 

Posted by Adam Shaw

Schumer 'excited' at SCOTUS pick: 'We will get her confirmed'

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer says he is "excited" about President Biden's nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson.

"She has exceptional qualifications she will stand up for the voiceless and vulnerable," he says. "She stands for freedom and rule of law."

"We will get her confirmed," he says before adding: "I hope she has bipartisan support."

Posted by Adam Shaw

Opinion: Biden's Supreme Court pick, Ketanji Brown Jackson, eminently qualified to serve as justice

Kevin Walling, a Democratic campaign strategist andformer Biden 2020 campaign surrogate, says Jackson is "eminently qualified" to serve on the Supreme Court -- and notes the endorsement of former Republican Speaker Paul Ryan.

"We as Americans deserve the most qualified and experienced judges ruling on our behalf. Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson has the "intellect, character and integrity" to serve on the highest court in the land, but don’t take my word for it – take Speaker Paul Ryan’s."

Click for more from Fox News Opinion

Posted by Adam Shaw

Opinion: Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson is a threat to Constitutional rights

For Fox News Opinion: Kelly Shackelford, president CEO and chief counsel for First Liberty Institute, a nonprofit law firm dedicated to defending religious freedom for all, calls Judge Jackson a threat to constitutional rights.

"According to her record as both an attorney and a judge, Jackson lacks the dispassionate and unbiased disposition that Americans expect of Supreme Court Justices. Instead, her career is marked by far-left political activism."

"Jackson’s record shows hostility toward constitutional values like free speech, religious liberty, and the sanctity of life. In 2001, she co-authored a friend-of-the-court brief before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit on behalf of a litany of pro-abortion organizations, including the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL). Her brief in the McGuire v. Reilly case repeatedly disparaged pro-life sidewalk counselors—most often comprised of moms, grandmothers, nuns, and women who regret their own abortions. She unjustly attacked these loving ministers as a "hostile" and "in-your-face" "gauntlet," all while ignoring the very real hostility—whether from abusive partners, parents, or peers—that can coerce reluctant women into the abortion decision."

Click here for more from Fox News Opinion.

Posted by Adam Shaw

Jackson tells Breyer 'I could never fill your shoes'

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson praises Justice Stephen Breyer, and has a message for the outgoing Supreme Court Justice.

"The members of the Senate will decide if I fill your seat but please know that I could never fill your shoes," she says.

She thanks her family and notes that she shares a birthday with the first Black woman who was appointed as a federal judge -- Constance Baker Motley.

"Today I stand proudly on Judge Motlety's shoulders, sharing not only her birthday but also her steadfast and courageous commitment to equal justice under law," she says.

Posted by Adam Shaw

Jackson 'humbled' by the nomination to the Supreme Court

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson says she is "humbled" by the nomination to the Supreme Court, and thanks both President Biden and Vice President Harris.

She thanks God for "delivering me to this point in my professional journey."

"My life has been blessed beyond measure, and I do know that one can only come this far by faith," she says.

Among the blessings, she says, is the fact she lives in America -- "The United States of America is the greatest beacon of hope and democracy the world has ever known."

She speaks of how she watched her father study and how he became her first role model during his transition from a high school teacher. She notes her brother's experience in law enforcement and the Army -- where he served in the Middle East.

She says she has one uncle serving a life sentence for a drug conviction, but "law enforcement also runs in my family" and says she has two uncles who served as police officers -- including one who served as a police chief.

Posted by Adam Shaw

Biden formally announces Judge Jackson for SCOTUS pick

President Biden is now stood alongside Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson as he announces her nomination for the Supreme Court.

He says he has sought to advice of lawmakers and legal experts, as well as Vice President Kamala Harris.

He says he has chosen someone with "extraordinary character" and a "strong moral compass."

"For too long our courts haven't looked like America," he says. "It's time we have a court that reflects the full talents and greatness of our nation with a nominee of extraordinary qualifications."

Biden notes Jackson's history with Justice Breyer, whose seat she is now being nominated to fill, as well as her past as a federal public defender and in private practice.

Biden goes on to introduce Jackson's family, including her husband who is a distinguished cancer surgeon -- and notes that Jackson is a working mother.

"You're always a mom, that's not going to change, whether you're on the Supreme Court or not," Biden says.

Biden says Jackson "deserves" to be confirmed by the Senate. He says he has met with Sens. Dick Durbin and Chuck Grassley -- the chairman and ranking members on the Judiciary Committee.

"My hope is they'll move promptly, and I know they'll move fairly," Biden says.

Posted by Adam Shaw

Clyburn offers 'full support' to Jackson's confirmation process

Majority Whip Jim Clyburn, who had pushed for J Michelle Childs to be the Supreme Court pick, has issued his statement for nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson -- who Biden has announced as his pick for the court.

“This is a glass ceiling that took far too long to shatter, and I commend President Biden for taking a sledgehammer to it. I congratulate Judge Jackson and offer my full support during the confirmation process and beyond," he said. 

“It is two years to the day of President Biden’s pledge that, if given the opportunity, he would name a Black woman to the Supreme Court. During the interim, there were many speculations and suggestions about possible candidates, and I was pleased to advance the name of South Carolina Federal District Judge J. Michelle Childs and advocate for her nomination."

“Although not the finalist, Judge Childs’ inclusion among the three that were interviewed continues her record of remarkable contributions to making this country’s greatest accessible and affordable for all.  And, she continues to make all South Carolinians proud," he said.

Posted by Adam Shaw

Biden Supreme Court pick shows 'radical left' won, Graham says

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. said President Biden's nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court shows that the "radical left" has won.Graham, a member of the powerful Judiciary Committee, had urged Biden to pick South Carolina district court Judge J. Michelle Childs.

"If media reports are accurate, and Judge Jackson has been chosen as the Supreme Court nominee to replace Justice Breyer, it means the radical Left has won President Biden over yet again," Graham said Friday just before the White House made Jackson's nomination official. 

Biden ally Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina has also been pushing for Childs, who has a more nontraditional Supreme Court background of attending public colleges, including the University of South Florida and the University of South Carolina.

In a statement, Graham later added: "I expect a respectful but interesting hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee."

Click for more from Fox News' Marisa Schultz

Posted by Adam Shaw

Biden releases video touting nomination of Judge Jackson

President Biden has released a video touting his nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, ahead of a formal appearance later today.

"With Justice Breyer's retirement from the United States Supreme Court, and my constitutional responsibility to replace that justice I've sought a candidate with the strongest credentials, record, character and dedication to the rule of law," he says in the video. "That's why I'm excited to nominate one of the nation's brightest legal minds."

"I can't wait for you meet her," he says.

The video also includes praise for former Republican Speaker Paul Ryan, who is loosely related to Jackson.

"My praise for Ketanji's intellect, for her character, for her integrity. It's unequivocal,' Ryan says in the video.

Posted by Adam Shaw

Harris making calls to senators on Judge Jackson's nomination

Vice President Kamala Harris is making calls to senators about the nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson.

A White House official tells Fox News that throughout the process, Harris "worked closely with and held meetings with the President, senior White House staff and the SCOTUS leadership team" and her staff have been involved at the staff-level.

"Over the last month, the Vice President regularly engaged Senators on both sides of the aisle," the official said. "She will continue to work closely with the President and the senior team throughout the confirmation process." 

Posted by Adam Shaw

Collins hails Jackson's 'impressive academic and legal credentials'

Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, who voted to confirm Judge Jackson to her current position, has issued a statement in which she calls her "an experienced federal judge with impressive academic and legal credentials."

“I will conduct a thorough vetting of Judge Jackson’s nomination and look forward to her public hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee and to meeting with her in my office," she says.

Posted by Adam Shaw

Who is Biden Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson?

President Biden's Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson is a judge who's respected by members of both parties, has a connection to a former GOP speaker of the House and is famous for handing former President Donald Trump a major judicial loss. 

Fox News confirmed Friday morning that Biden will choose Jackson for the seat of retiring Justice Stephen Breyer, a move that will make Jackson the first Black woman on the Supreme Court if she is confirmed. 

Jackson currently sits on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, where Biden nominated her less than a year ago to take the seat of Attorney General Merrick Garland. She was the most high-profile choice among Biden's first round of judicial nominations.

Jackson was long been touted in progressive circles as a potential candidate for a future Supreme Court seat – and the president made that a reality Friday. 

Click for more from Fox News' Tyler Olson

Posted by Adam Shaw

RNC slams Jackson as 'radical, left-wing activist'

While some statements from Republicans on Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson have been cautious so far, the Republican National Committee is out with a statement calling her a "radical left-wing activist" and promising to make the pick a midterm election issue in November.

"Maybe the only promise Joe Biden has kept is his pledge to nominate a liberal, activist judge to the Supreme Court," RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said in a statement.

"Ketanji Brown Jackson is exactly that: a radical, left-wing activist who would rubberstamp Biden's disastrous agenda. By picking Jackson, Biden put far-left special interests ahead of defending Americans’ rights and liberties," she said. "The Republican National Committee will make sure voters know just how radical Jackson is and remember at the ballot box in November."

Posted by Adam Shaw

DNC welcomes Biden's Supreme Court pick, says he 'has made history'

The Democratic National Committee is welcoming Biden's pick of Judge Jackson for the Supreme Court vacancy.

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison said that it is President Biden delivering on "yet another campaign promise.'

"In doing so, he has made history. By announcing he will nominate Judge Jackson to the Supreme Court, President Biden has put forward an exceptionally qualified, talented jurist to serve on our nation’s highest court," Harrison says.

“Judge Jackson will bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the Court. Her experience as a public defender will add a vital perspective. In short, Judge Jackson will live up to the legacy of Justice Breyer and the other qualified jurists that have served and continue to serve on the Supreme Court. I fully expect the Senate will agree and confirm Judge Jackson with bipartisan support — as they have three times before.

Harrison says that "for too long, Black Women have not seen themselves represented" on the Supreme Court, and says she will shatter a "longstanding glass ceiling" in the judicial branch.

"I am so excited for the country to be reminded once again that there is nothing a Black woman cannot do. She can be vice president. She can shape the future of our nation. And yes, she can serve on the Supreme Court," he says.

Posted by Adam Shaw

Three Republicans voted for Judge Jackson in 2021

Three Republican senators voted for Judge Ketanji Jackson Brown for her current position as District Court judge in 2021.

Those Republicans are Sens Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., Susan Collins, R-Maine, and Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska.

Sens. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and Ben Sasse, R-Neb., did not vote.

All Democrats voted for her nomination.

The Senate is currently in a 50-50 split, with Vice President Kamala Harris able to act as a tie breaker in the event of a tied vote.

Posted by Adam Shaw

Graham says 'attacks by the Left' on Judge Childs have 'apparently worked'

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., tweets that 'the radical Left has won President Biden over yet again" in his selection of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson over Graham's preferred candidate.

Graham had urged Biden to pick Judge J. Michelle Childs, saying that the judge he viewed as more moderate would scoop up approximately 10 Republican votes.

Instead, Biden announced that he has picked Judge Ketanji Jackson Brown.

"If media reports are accurate, and Judge Jackson has been chosen as the Supreme Court nominee to replace Justice Breyer, it means the radical Left has won President Biden over yet again," Graham tweeted.

"The attacks by the Left on Judge Childs from South Carolina apparently worked," he says.

Posted by Adam Shaw

McConnell calls for 'rigorous, exhausting' review of Jackson's record

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell is calling for a "rigorous, exhausting" review of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson's judicial record, moments after President Biden announced that he will be nominated her to serve on the Supreme Court.

"I congratulate Judge Jackson on her nomination. I look forward to meeting with her in person and studying her record, legal views, and judicial philosophy," McConnell said in a statement.

Biden nominated Jackson to fill the vacancy to be left by the outgoing Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer. If confirmed, she will be the first Black woman on the court.

With a 50/50 Senate and Vice President Kamala Harris acting as a potential tie breaker, Republicans do not have the votes to block Jackson's nomination if all Democrats vote to confirm her. Additionally, some Republicans previously voted for her to serve as a federal court judge.

"Senate Republicans believe the Court and the country deserve better than Senate Democrats’ routine of baseless smears and shameless distortions," McConnell said. "The Senate must conduct a rigorous, exhaustive review of Judge Jackson’s nomination as befits a lifetime appointment to our highest Court."

McConnell noted that he voted against her confirmation to her current position, and pointed to rulings and support for her that he finds problematic.

"Since then, I understand that she has published a total of two opinions, both in the last few weeks, and that one of her prior rulings was just reversed by a unanimous panel of her present colleagues on the D.C. Circuit," he said. "I also understand Judge Jackson was the favored choice of far-left dark-money groups that have spent years attacking the legitimacy and structure of the Court itself."

"With that said, I look forward to carefully reviewing Judge Jackson’s nomination during the vigorous and thorough Senate process that the American people deserve."

Posted by Adam Shaw

Durbin welcomes 'extraordinary' Supreme Court pick

Sen. Dick Durbin, Chair on the Senate Judiciary Committee, welcomes what he described as an "extraordinary" nominee in Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson.

“From a strong list of prospective candidates, President Biden has chosen an extraordinary nominee in D.C. Circuit Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson," Durbin said in a statement.

Biden will formally nominate Jackson later Friday, and will become the first Black woman on the Supreme Court if confirmed.

"To be the first to make history in our nation you need to have an exceptional life story," Durbin said. Judge Jackson’s achievements are well known to the Senate Judiciary Committee as we approved her to the D.C. Circuit less than a year ago with bipartisan support. We will begin immediately to move forward on her nomination with the careful, fair, and professional approach she and America are entitled to.”  

Posted by Adam Shaw

Biden to nominate Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to Supreme Court

The White House says President Biden will nominate Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court today.

"Today, President Biden will announce his intent to nominate Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson as Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. Currently a judge on U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, Judge Jackson is one of the nation’s brightest legal minds. 

The White House notes that, if confirmed, she will be the first Black woman to serve on the Supreme Court.

 "Since Justice Stephen Breyer announced his retirement, President Biden has conducted a rigorous process to identify his replacement. President Biden sought a candidate with exceptional credentials, unimpeachable character, and unwavering dedication to the rule of law," the White House says.

"He also sought a nominee—much like Justice Breyer—who is wise, pragmatic, and has a deep understanding of the Constitution as an enduring charter of liberty. And the President sought an individual who is committed to equal justice under the law and who understands the profound impact that the Supreme Court’s decisions have on the lives of the American people."

The statement cites her past experience:

"A former clerk for Justice Breyer, Judge Jackson has broad experience across the legal profession – as a federal appellate judge, a federal district court judge, a member of the U.S. Sentencing Commission, an attorney in private practice, and as a federal public defender. Judge Jackson has been confirmed by the Senate with votes from Republicans as well as Democrats three times."

"Judge Jackson is an exceptionally qualified nominee as well as an historic nominee, and the Senate should move forward with a fair and timely hearing and confirmation," the statement says.

Posted by Adam Shaw

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