Woman shames cheating ex in tweet that goes viral

A woman says she got the best revenge on her cheating ex by shaming him in a funny tweet on what would’ve been their three-year wedding anniversary.

Andrea Osborn, 23, took to social media to publicly point out how much better off she is without her former husband, Rob Osborn. “Instead of celebrating our wedding anniversary, i’m celebrating dropping 285 pounds of dead weight,” she wrote in a tweet that has since gone viral.


Andrea and Rob got married when they were both young and went through a lot when they were together. When Andrea found out Rob had cheated on her, the pair separated for a year before deciding to give their marriage another go. But the couple grew apart and ended up splitting for good, Yahoo Lifestyle reports.

An error occurred while retrieving the Instagram post. It might have been deleted.

“When I found out he had cheated on me, I was completely devastated. I honestly didn’t suspect a thing. He finally opened up and told the truth a few months after it happened,” Andrea told Yahoo. “We both just fell out of love. We knew it wasn’t meant to be. It was difficult to go through,” she said of the couple’s breakup.

Rob wasn’t too happy with Andrea’s tweet, which had been retweeted over 1,000 times and had over 11,000 likes as of Friday afternoon. He asked her to delete it, but instead, she retweeted her original post, which became even more popular, receiving over 20,000 retweets and 100,000 likes.

“Rob was upset that I would do that. I really didn’t care that he was upset. He had lied to me. He has put me through a lot so I thought it was only fair,” she told Yahoo. “In a sense I wanted to show that I’m happy without him and help others who are also going through a breakup or divorce.”

An error occurred while retrieving the Instagram post. It might have been deleted.

Andrea has received a lot of support from others over the tweet and her decision to end her relationship. Others going through the same thing shared their own stories.

“I've literally looked at this like a million times cause it just really makes me smile for you. You have come so far and it shows. I am so happy that you are happy,” one person wrote.


“Me too sis!  After 5 years I Thought I’d be getting engaged this year, but instead I’m loving myself more than I ever have,” another person wrote.

Rob says he’s rooting for Andrea and where she is in her life, but he’s still working on himself. “I constantly find ways to make myself a better man than what I was, [and] I can only hope the absolute best for Andrea and myself as we go down new roads in our future,” he told Yahoo.

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