A woman from Tucson is sharing a touching series of photos taken with her late fiancé — months after the groom-to-be tragically died in a motorcycle accident.

Debbie Gerlach’s fiancé, Randy Zimmerman, was killed in a motorcycle wreck in February, nine months ahead of the couple’s Nov. 11 nuptials. But now, thanks to a creative photographer, Gerlach was able to keep Zimmerman’s memory alive with the otherworldly wedding photos, which have gone viral after Gerlach shared them on her would-be wedding date.

The photographer, Kristie Fonseca, has said she’s done photoshoots like this in the past, but not for a bride or groom.

The photographer, Kristie Fonseca, has said she’s done photoshoots like this in the past, but not for a bride or groom. (Kristie Fonseca/ISO VP Studios)

The photographer, Kristie Fonseca, has said she’s done photoshoots like this in the past — in which she superimposes photos of deceased loved ones onto her clients' pictures — but never any that could qualify as wedding photos.


“I actually enjoy taking on challenges like this because, if portrayed with love and passion, the end result will be forever cherished,” Fonseca, of ISO VP Studios, told Yahoo! Lifestyle.

“After listening to her heartbreaking story I just knew I had to do something very special for her,” she added.

Gerlach said she was “humbled” by the responses to the photos.

Gerlach said she was “humbled” by the responses to the photos. (Kristie Fonseca/ISO VP Studios)

The photos, which were taken in the Arizona desert this summer, show Gerlach in her wedding dress alongside an almost-transparent Zimmerman, who appeared to be embracing his bride-to-be.

Gerlach also shared the photos on her Facebook page, along with a warning to all drivers to exercise caution on the roads.

“Please I beg each and every one of you that reads this post, WATCH FOR MOTORCYCLES, stop at stop signs and drive with care because you never know whose whole world is on that bike. Maybe if that person stopped, I’d be marrying my Randy, my best friend, the love of my life,” she wrote.


Fonseca added to Yahoo! that Gerlach was thrilled with the photos. Gerlach also shared a message with Tuscon News Now saying she was “humbled” by the responses she’s seen.

“When I posted these photos and message for friends and family I never thought it would spread as much as it has. But I am humbled by the support given to me from strangers all over the world.”