Tony Robbins, life strategist and philanthropist, aims to feed one billion hungry people

Tony Robbins has been partnering with Feeding America to address the hunger crisis in the US

Entrepreneur Tony Robbins — the bestselling author, philanthropist and top life and business strategist in the world — has been partnering with Feeding America, the largest domestic hunger-relief organization in the United States, in a determined effort to address the hunger crisis in America.

The two announced this Tuesday that they are closer than ever to their "multi-year goal" of helping to provide 1 billion meals to people who are experiencing food insecurity, according to materials provided to Fox News Digital.

Eight years into the 10-year campaign, Robbins and Feeding America say they "are well ahead of schedule," having already helped provide 914 million meals to people who are facing hunger across our nation.


"There is more than enough food in the world to feed everyone on the planet — yet, millions of people continue to go hungry needlessly," Robbins told Fox News Digital this week in an email exchange.

Tony Robbins shared his passion for addressing the hunger crisis in this country — and his determination to provide one billion meals, along with Feeding America, to those who are food insecure in the United States. (Joseph Seif)

Robbins said he has "personally" known what "growing up and living with food insecurity" is like. 

That's why "trying to make sure families have access to basic nutritional meals remains my lifelong mission and passion," he said.

"Healthier people mean happier people. Happier people are more prosperous and over time [are] able to give back to make life better for others less fortunate."

Added Robbins, "Today in the U.S., nearly 34 million people, including more than 9 million children, are food insecure in the wealthiest nation in the world."


"Worldwide, there are more than 800 million human beings, both young and old, who don’t even know where their next meal is coming from."

Author and motivational speaker Tony Robbins is on a mission to make sure anyone in this country who is going hungry gets the needed help.  (Photo by Carlo Allegri For The Washington Post via Getty Images)

This situation is unacceptable to Robbins, he indicated.

"What I know is that there is no debate that access to good nutrition means healthier people, including children who are still developing and need a good diet to fuel their healthy development," said Robbins.

"I resolved right then and there to become successful enough so that I could help others the way that my neighbor helped me and my family."

"Healthier people mean happier people. Happier people are more prosperous and over time [are] able to give back to make life better for others less fortunate."

Tony Robbins, together with Feeding America, is aiming to distribute a billion meals to people who are hungry. Said Robbins, "Every $1 donated helps provide at least 10 meals for families facing hunger through the Feeding America network of food banks." (Tony Robbins/Feeding America)

Said Robbins as well to Fox News Digital, "I have experienced this cycle in my own life. When I was 11, a neighbor who knew we were struggling knocked at the front door holding bags filled with food for a big Thanksgiving dinner."

He added, "My father at the time was embarrassed to get the help our family needed … I was happy just to have food. I resolved right then and there to become successful enough so that I could help others the way that my neighbor helped me and my family."

Robbins continued, "Each day since, I have asked how I can I help transform lives in a positive, measurable way that gets multiplied many times over by others who do the same."

He said, "My goal and that of the Tony Robbins Foundation is [to] use the power of the network effect to place focus on transformative innovative efforts that have real impact at scale of lifting up people, communities and the world we all inhabit."

"Do what your passion drives you to do. Start small and build on it."

Robbins said of his work with Feeding America, "The 1 Billion Meals Challenge in partnership with Feeding America is such an effort that has helped ahead of schedule provide more than 900 million meals to food insecure families in less than a decade."

He added, "Imagine what would happen if that effort was done on even a larger scale in a sustainable way. That’s the next challenge."

So, in his opinion, what can each individual American do to help this cause?

"Everyone’s way of giving is very personal," Robbins answered in a response to Fox News Digital. "Do what your passion drives you to do. Start small and build on it."

He added, "Maybe you give a $1 to the 1 Billion Meal Challenge or you make up and deliver a meal to a needy family or two."

Robbins noted, "I started at 18 by asking my local church for the names of two needy families."

"Just before Thanksgiving," he said, "I delivered the baskets of food to both households, each with a simple note in English and Spanish: ‘This is a gift from a friend. Everybody has tough times, so please accept this gift and if you can, someday do something like this for someone else to pay it forward.’"


He said that "those two baskets with the help of friends and a growing network became 10, then 100, then 1,000, 10,000, 100,000 — and then a million and on and on and on."

Said Robbins as well, "For those who do choose to take part in the 1 Billion Meals Challenge, every $1 donated helps provide at least 10 meals for families facing hunger through the Feeding America network of food banks." 


Robbins explained that he's "provided proceeds from the sale of my three most recent best-selling books — including "Life Force" — [as well as] other financial support to Feeding America and the 1 Billion Meals Challenge that can double the impact by matching those donations through December 2024."

Anyone can participate by going to

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