Three times the charm: Brazilian triplets have joint wedding with identical dresses, hairdos

The Bini brides. (Photo: Globo via YouTube)

The only way to tell the three brides apart was by the color of their bouquets.

Rafaela, Rochelle and Tagiane Bini, 29-year-old triplets from the town of Passo Fundo in Southern Brazil, were married on Saturday in the same wedding ceremony with identical haridos and dresses.

The three girls have always done everything together, so it seemed natural to the girls’ parents, Pedro and Salete, that they all get married at the same time, which presented some logistical issues at Nossa Senhora Aparecida Catholic church.

The pews had to be separated more to allow the three brides to walk down the aisle side by side by side with their father, a farmer. To say nothing of the 18 bridesmaids and page boys.

He told Brazil’s Globo, "We decided that we would all walk together until half way down the aisle. From there, I would take one girl at a time."

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The first bride taken to the altar was the first to be born—but the last to get engaged—Tagiane. She told the paper, "I tried to hold back my emotion, but I couldn't. To see my dad there, at that moment, was a feeling I can't explain."

The brides weren't supposed to look exactly the same.

Globo reported that they originally intended to get their hair and make-up done differently, but, as Rochelle said, "We tried a number of styles, but we all liked the same one. It's not even worth trying, it always ends up like that."

The three look so much alike, in fact, that even the grooms sometimes get confused.

Rafael—Rafaela’s new husband—told the newspaper: “One time, we were all in the kitchen making dinner. Rochelle, who is Gabriel's [wife], was doing stuff at the sink, and Rafaela was at the stove. We were chatting, and they switched places. I went behind to hug [Rafaela] and said ‘oops’ when I realized I got the wrong girl.”

But there was no such snafu on the wedding day.

Eduardo, Tagiane’s husband, told Globo, “I knew which one was mine, for sure. I knew as soon as she entered the church—she was the most beautiful.'

Since they were young, the three girls have been inseparable. Tagiane told Globo. "Once when we were kids, I cut my arm. And Rafaela felt the pain."

"I started crying too, holding the arm and saying it hurt," confirmed Rafaela.

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