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    Stubborn Stain Solutions

    Nothing ruins the look of your favorite outfit or piece of furniture like a stubborn stain. We gathered these clever solutions from our favorite experts to help you eliminate even the toughest spots.

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  • Offending Stain: Chocolate
    Chocolate is a tough stain to remove because it's a combination of oil and color, but knowing whether you are dealing with dark chocolate or milk chocolate can be helpful in removing the spot. Let the chocolate completely harden and then scrape off as much as possible from the fabric's surface. (Do not rub.) Add and mix colorless dishwashing liquid and water. Gently blot stain with a white or light-colored cloth. For milk chocolate, add a few drops of ammonia. For dark chocolate, add two tablespoons white vinegar (for colors) or hydrogen peroxide (for whites). Gently blot stain and rinse. Repeat as needed. If stain still persists, pour a generous amount of borax over stain, followed by a pot of boiling water. Rinse. Wash and dry as usual. (
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  • Offending Stain: Moldy Caulk
    Since caulk is applied to keep water out, mildew is a sign that moisture has found a way slip through.  If the mold is unmanageable, consider replacing the caulk all together. If you are faced with just a few trouble spots, here's a temporary fix: Combine equal parts vinegar and baking soda to make a paste. Scrub caulk with paste using a brush or sponge. Be careful! Scrubbing too hard may cause the caulk to peel off. Spray with bleach and let dry completely (10-15 minutes). Scrub with paste mixture again. If you've done this and the mildew is still visible, it's probably time to re-caulk. (
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  • Offending Stain: Grease and Oil
    Like most stains, the key to getting out grease and oil are to treat the marks as soon as possible, before they set. There are several options for getting these types of stains out. Apply an absorbent such as cornstarch, baby powder or salt. Let sit for two minutes and brush off. (Do not rub.) Repeat as needed for larger stains. OR Apply Dawn dish soap to spot and let sit for a few minutes. Blot stain with a clean cloth or paper towel. Wash as usual. For carpets in particular, try blotting oil stains with rubbing alcohol. For tougher stains, use a dry-cleaning solvent. You may have to repeat for several weeks to see results. (
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  • Offending stain: blood
    We won't ask how it got there, but we know blood stains aren't the easiest to get out. For mild stains, douse with cold water and dab with a clean cloth. If this doesn't do the trick, try a saline solution: 2 tablespoons salt 1 quart cold water Mix together and blot until stain is lifted. Spraying blood with Windex has also been known to work. (
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  • Offending Stain: Ink
    Forgot your pocket protector? It happens to the best of us. You might be surprised to learn that hairspray works wonders. Saturate fabric with hairspray. Let soak for a few seconds. Blot with clean cloth. Repeat until stain is lifted. Wash in washing machine as usual. (
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  • Published
    6 Images

    Stubborn Stain Solutions

    Nothing ruins the look of your favorite outfit or piece of furniture like a stubborn stain. We gathered these clever solutions from our favorite experts to help you eliminate even the toughest spots.

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  • Stubborn Stain Solutions
  • 1
  • Offending Stain: Chocolate
  • Offending Stain: Moldy Caulk
  • Offending Stain: Grease and Oil
  • Offending stain: blood
  • Offending Stain: Ink