If there’s a way to ruin a friendship, telling your friend that their child smells is probably a sure way to seal the deal.

An unidentified woman who claimed she told her friend Chloe that her 15-year-old son’s body odor was incredibly foul said the moment of honesty placed a wedge between them.

The coworkers, who became “good friends” after bonding over “knitting and wine,” used to hang out together nearly every weekend, the anonymous woman shared in a Reddit post last month. Things got awkward, however, when Chloe's son, identified in the thread as Braden, came into the picture.

“Lately, I haven’t even wanted to go over to Chloe’s, and I don’t want to invite her to my house in case she brings her son,” the author, who said she is childless, wrote online. “He stinks like rotting meat and BO [body odor], and he also has this awful metallic odor that makes me gag.”


An unidentified woman told her friend that her teen son’s body odor is incredibly foul, which caused a rift in their friendship. (Photo: iStock)

An unidentified woman told her friend that her teen son’s body odor is incredibly foul, which caused a rift in their friendship. (Photo: iStock)

One time while out on a trip to the craft store, she said, the teen -- whom she said doesn’t have a lot of friends -- tagged along with the two women.

“I drove them there, and my upholstery stank for a good three days after,” she said.

The next day, Chloe invited her over for dinner, to which the woman said she declined.

“I had to tell her no,” she wrote. “She really pushed me for a reason, and I told her her son smells like [expletive] and I basically can’t be around him until he works on his cleanliness.”

Chloe did not appreciate the woman’s candor about her son and later demanded an apology.

“The things you said about [him] were really uncalled for and I don’t want you to talk about my kids in a bad way. I am a good mom. Don’t talk to me until you apologize,” Chloe texted the woman.


Men wear white sleeves, arms are covered with armpits, Sweat are unclean and unclean. (Photo: iStock)

Men wear white sleeves, arms are covered with armpits, Sweat are unclean and unclean. (Photo: iStock)

Many Reddit commenters urged the woman to apologize to her friend, pointing out that she could have handled it better.

“You told the truth, but in the bluntest and least tactful way. Surely it can't be a surprise to you that it caused tension,” one user wrote. “In a perfect world, we would focus on just the truth or untruth of feedback like this, but in this actual world, the way we deliver truthful messages to friends and family matters.”

Some users suggested that maybe the teen’s body odor could be a sign of something deeper, and therefore the woman should’ve shown greater concern for him.

“Could also be a sign of something like depression, the fact that he has no friends plus the lack of hygiene sounds a lot like teen me, and I was struggling with really bad depression,” another person commented.

“I really wish someone would have talked to me or told my mom it isn't normal so she could get me some help," the person added.


However, others came to the woman’s defense and suggested that the mom is likely aware of her son’s odor problem.

“That kid is 15, clearly a teenager, sounds like he showers once a fortnight and never uses deodorant,” someone wrote. “The mom should know better.”