Yoda the rescue pup from Puerto Rico was so excited the first time he saw snow. (SWNS)
This is the joyous moment a Puerto Rican rescue dog saw snow for the first time – and ran circles around his frosty garden in excitement.
Yoda, a two-year-old chihuahua-dachshund mix, was a street dog in Dorado, Puerto Rico, before he was adopted and relocated to Phoenix, Maryland, in March 2017 thanks to the work of the Love of Satos animal rescue charity.
The excitable pooch was adopted in April by Heather Bauer, 26, who first spotted Yoda’s photograph posted on the Facebook page of Animal Rescue Inc, a Pennsylvania affiliate of Yoda’s rescuers.
The lovable mutt, who grew up in a climate where the average temperature is 75 degrees, embraced the snow like a pro while his brother, six-year-old corgie-pitbull mix Cooper, looked on in disbelief.
The video, filmed by Yoda’s owner Heather, a shift manager at Starbucks, was filmed following the first winter snowfall in Maryland in December 2017.
“When Yoda was found, he was a street dog in Puerto Rico and I think this had to have been the first time he had ever seen snow.
“I thought because he came from such a hot climate he’d be wary when I let them out into the snow but he just went crazy.
“He was so excited. I was throwing snowballs at him and he couldn’t understand why they disappeared when they hit the ground.”
Yoda was flown to the US thanks to the work of Love of Satos, one of the multiple charities working to gain control over Puerto Rico’s huge stray dog population. Prior to Hurricane Maria in September 2017, Puerto Rico was home to more than 150,000 feral dogs.
Heather is extremely grateful that Yoda was rescued just months before the hurricane, which devastated the island in the autumn.
Dog lover Heather said big-eared Yoda has fully accustomed to the snow, and other realities of his life in the US.
“Luckily, he was rescued just two or three months before Hurricane Maria, and I’m so grateful. We’re so lucky to have him.
“He is the sweetest baby, he just loves to cuddle all the time.
“When I come home he puts his little paws right up on my legs as if to say: “Just hug me, Mom.”
“He’s a real lover and a kisser,” she said.