Not even childbirth could make professional photographer Megan Mattiuzzo put down her camera.

The western New York resident managed to push while in labor and mentally set up the right backdrop for when baby Easton Louis Mattiuzzo came into the world March 8. Minutes before delivery, the fashion and wedding photographer asked someone to adjust the lights in the room for a sharper image while she balanced her Nikon DE camera on her stomach, the Buffalo News reported.

Mattiuzzo's mother held one of her legs while her husband texted updates to loved ones.

“If I do it for other people,” Mattiuzzo said of her mission in photography, “why wouldn’t I do it for my own family?” she told the paper.

The doctor promised she would tell Mattiuzzo the instant she should begin snapping pictures.

The operator of her own photography business, Mattiuzzo vowed to her husband Ryan that she would capture the moment when she gave birth, according to the paper. And she kept her promise: documenting her son’s first minutes  -- with his umbilical cord still attached -- frame by frame.

The first photo shows Easton Mattiuzzo being held by a nurse guiding him to the front of the camera, his eyes barely open.


Easton Mattiuzzo was born nine years to the day his parents met. He weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces.

“It’s awesome,” the new mom said. “It’s so mind-blowing. His whole life will be photographed.”