Lights, camera… that’s not a baby bump!

One hilarious man in Kentucky recently took his pregnant wife’s place when she couldn’t attend her maternity photo shoot after being suddenly placed on bed rest. In hopes of cheering up his spouse, who was upset to miss the session, the prankster posed in and around a local waterfall, pretending to have a bun in the oven himself. Must-see images from the silly stunt have since gone viral on Facebook.

Kelsey Brewer was on bedrest for nearly two weeks before the birth of her son on Sept. 28, USA Today reports, and felt bad that she would have to miss her scheduled maternity photo shoot with her sister, Kiana Smither, who runs K.M. Smither Photography.

In hopes of cheering up his spouse, who was upset to miss the session, the prankster posed in and around a local waterfall, pretending to have a bun in the oven himself.

In hopes of cheering up his spouse, who was upset to miss the session, the prankster posed in and around a local waterfall, pretending to have a bun in the oven himself. (KM Smither Photography via Storyful)


Kelsey’s husband Jared, meanwhile, secretly coordinated with Kiana to pose for maternity-inspired pictures of his own, to give his wife a laugh.

"I had seen something similar before on Facebook and had early on in the pregnancy joked about taking photos like that," he told USA Today. "But once she was put on bed rest, reaching out to her sister to take the photos for her seemed like the best idea to put a smile on her face."

Under Kiana’s expert direction, Jared struck a pose at the Elkhorn Creek in Frankfort, smiling, holding and dramatically working it for the camera, holding his stomach. Dressed for the occasion in a snapback hat, button-down shirt and jeans, the good-natured jokester even splashed around and got soaking wet during the photo session.

“Jared is a big goofball,” the photographer told HuffPost. “He was working it in front of the camera! I would ask him to do a pose and he would add this extra flair to it. Hysterical!”


When Jared later surprised Kelsey with the unexpected pictures, her sister said the funny photos were a big hit with the mom-to-be.

“My husband has been a total rock through this whole process and even managed to get with my sister to take these AMAZING PHOTOS! That I will literally cherish for the rest of my life!!” Kelsey wrote online.

“My husband has been a total rock through this whole process and even managed to get with my sister to take these AMAZING PHOTOS! That I will literally cherish for the rest of my life!!” Kelsey wrote online. (KM Smither Photography via Storyful)

“She almost peed herself laughing so hard,” Kiana said. “It brought tears to her eyes to have a husband that’s so willing to do anything to make the best out of a situation!”

Last week, the photographer shared the hysterical images to Facebook, where they have since gone viral with over 59,000 likes, 45,000 shares and more than 14,000 comments to date.

“My husband has been a total rock through this whole process and even managed to get with my sister to take these AMAZING PHOTOS! That I will literally cherish for the rest of my life!!” Kelsey wrote online. “Thank you so much Kiana… I can’t wait to watch you work your magic once our sweet boy is here!


On Sept. 28, the couple’s son Kash Cooper arrived in the world, HuffPost reports, and his aunt Kiana has since described the infant as a “super cutie.”