Groom-to-be ends engagement, claims fiancee nearly killed his dog at bachelorette party

This engagement has gone to the dogs.

A man on Reddit has sparked a debate after writing about ending his engagement with his girlfriend of four years over his dog.

The anonymous poster, 28, wrote in Reddit’s “Am I the A--h---“ forum claiming that his fiancee, 27, to whom he had been engaged six months, “almost got [his] dog killed” during her bachelorette party because she forgot to lock the dog in the bedroom.


The man who refers to his 7-year-old lab mix as “the greatest dog in existence,” wrote that his now-ex bride-to-be called him frantically at 5 a.m. after her bachelorette party to tell him something was wrong with the dog.

The anonymous poster, 28, wrote in Reddit’s “Am I the A--h---“ forum claiming that his fiancée, 27, to whom he had been engaged six months, “almost got [his] dog killed” during her bachelorette party because she forgot to lock the dog in the bedroom. (iStock)

“She was drunk, so I told her to get a taxi and go to the emergency vet clinic. When I got there, she looked like she hadn't stopped crying for hours and she couldn't even speak. Two of her friends were there so they told me my dog is alive but not well. I felt sorry for her for an entire 10 minutes while waiting for the doctor,” he wrote in the post.

“But then, the doctor told me my dog ingested large amounts of alcohol and chocolate edibles. The girls apparently thought it would be cool to leave everything out on short coffee tables, leave the dog to wander around instead of putting him in our bedroom, and then get wasted and not notice he was going to town with the booze and edibles,” he continued.

Once the pair got home, the poster wrote that he told his fiancée to “pack and get out of my house and my life. I told her to tell her guests the wedding is off, and I'll tell mine. She was shocked, but she took her things and left.”


Though shocked, he wrote that the woman took her things and left. However, he was soon inundated by messages from her family – and his – telling him he overreacted.

"But I am so disgusted at my fiancee that I can't even imagine looking her in the eye, let alone spending my whole life with her."

— Reddit poster

“My mom said: "Well, it was a mistake, she didn't do it on purpose, besides - the dog didn't die!" Lucky me, eh?” he wrote. “My sister was appalled that I canceled the wedding "over that?!" and even my best man said I might have overreacted.”

"But I am so disgusted at my fiancee that I can't even imagine looking her in the eye, let alone spending my whole life with her," he wrote, before delving into a list of other "dangerous" habits she has.

Those on Reddit were split on who the “a--h---“ was in the situation, and handed down the verdict that “everyone sucks here.”

“She clearly doesn’t mean that much to you, so yeah, leave over this,” one person wrote.

“It is completely understandable that he is upset, I'd be furious too, but essentially canceling your relationship and future over what was a mistake, even a grossly irresponsible one, speaks to something else,” another person wrote.

“I read it as [original poster] has a laundry list of complaints and the dog was the straw that broke the camels back. He said he would never bring it up in a fight, but he’s doing exactly that now,” another commented, referring to the man’s list of grievances with his fiancée.

Eventually, the original poster eventually made an update, admitting the quick-decision is call off the wedding wasn’t about the dog (but pictured), but that he didn’t trust her – equating caring for a dog to caring for a child. (iStock)

“[Everyone sucks here] — and reading through your replies to most people it seems you’ve got a lot of issues with your partners behaviour, and you were possibly looking for a good enough reason in your head to end it,” one wrote.


Eventually, the original poster made an update, admitting the quick decision to call off the wedding wasn’t about the dog, but that he didn’t trust her — equating caring for a dog to caring for a child.

“She is negligent and irresponsible and I don't want to stick around and possibly see our child die in a car accident some day because she was texting or she forgot to put his seat belt on. I'd rather be an a--h--- now than spend years of my life worrying every time our child is left alone with her. If she'd accidentally killed a person while texting and driving, I would also leave her. I guess I realized I don't want to spend my life with someone who has such blatant disregard for human (or animal) life,” he concluded.

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