Maid of honor considers backing out of friend's wedding at last minute after best man's shocking behavior

An anonymous maid of honor is getting support from Reddit after revealing why she wants to bail out on her best friend’s wedding less than two weeks before the big day.

The woman, who shared the story under the name “Liotheleon,” explained that she’s slated to serve as her best friend’s maid of honor on May 11, but may be backing out as the best man – whom she’s supposed to walk with, arm-in-arm, down the aisle – is a very recent ex-fiance who just admitted to cheating on her with multiple prostitutes.

“I've never hated a human being as much as I hate him,” she wrote about her ex, whom she was planning to marry during a ceremony in August. “I can't be in the same room with him let alone walk arm in arm with him.”


It all started only last week, when Liotheleon said her then-boyfriend had left his phone at her house while he was away for his job with the Air Force, only for a “call girl” named Panama to start texting him “in the middle of the night saying she’s reaching out to old clients because she’s back in the game.”

Liotheleon later confronted the then-boyfriend, who admitted he was suffering from sex addiction and begged for her forgiveness.

“He confessed that he had seen 2 separate call girls for about a year, sometimes at the same time,” Liotheleon explained in a previous Reddit thread.

The woman explained on Reddit that the best man – whom she’s supposed to walk with, arm-in-arm, down the aisle – is a very recent ex-fiance who just admitted to cheating on her with multiple prostitutes. (iStock)

Now, less than a week before her best friend’s wedding, Liotheleon is grappling with what to do about the ceremony.

“On top of all this, my best friend is marrying his best friend May 11th. Groom doesn't want to rock the boat at this late date and [select] a new best man. Bride says she has way too much in her plate and is begging me to just go through with it and she'll ‘make it up to me.’”

“[Would] I be the a—h--- if I back out of the wedding?” she asked Reddit.

Within days, the post had garnered 1,800 comments, many from supporters who said they wouldn’t blame her if she bailed.

“That's pretty brutal. It's like going to a baby shower a few days after a miscarriage,” one wrote.

“That’s a really fresh wound, I wouldn’t go either,” another added.


Others took the bride and groom to task for seeming to be less-than-sympathetic to Liotheleon’s concerns.

“The couple is putting you in this position by not demoting the ex or kicking him out of the wedding party. Why is it you, the wronged party, who has to sacrifice?”

“She cannot and will not ever make it up to you for putting you through that,” another wrote.

Some supporters also urged her to put on a brave face, go anyway, and show her ex she’s just fine without him.

“Don't let this a—h--- take you away from having a great time at your best friend's wedding,” one person wrote. “Smile, laugh, look your hottest even if it kills you inside… Happiness is the best revenge.”

“Dazzle them all with your courage and grace in the face of the setback you took on Monday. Say a speech. Keep it short. Don’t bring him up or look at him,” another added.

Liotheleon later updated her initial Reddit post to share her final decision with supporters: She’s going to the wedding.

“[The bride] has offered me the chance to allow me and ex-fiancé to walk in with other people or even separately, but I'm not going to do that,” she wrote. “First of all because I think it will look weird. And secondly. I foresee getting a sick [sense] of satisfaction of touching him ONE LAST TIME — FOREVER and have him know that that spark he feels… could have been forever come August but he f---ed it up.”


Liotheleon also added that, for the duration of the ceremony, she’s planning to change her phone’s lock screen to an image of the texts she received from Panama, just in case she needs a reminder of who her ex “really is.”

She also promised an update following her best friend’s May 11 nuptials.

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