
A young Bolivian covered in fake blood was hoisted up on a cross under the crisp Andean sun, while an inmate in Mexico City played the role of Jesus as faithful across the Americas re-enacted the final hours of Jesus' life on Good Friday.

Haitian pilgrims hiked across the mountains to visit the Stations of the Cross, some balancing stones on their heads as a form of penance.

Ecuadoreans packed the capital's downtown as men carried a statue of Jesus through the streets and women walked shrouded by dark purple lace veils.

Hooded penitents in Mexico wore heavy chains and endured prickly cacti stuck to their bodies. Others hung from trees, suspended by body harnesses, re-enacting the hanging of Judas. Nicaraguans portraying Judas wore colorful and unique costumes, including pink face masks with sunglasses.

In Puerto Rico, a woman held up a cloth showing an image of Jesus' face in red.

Peruvian musicians played trumpets, onlookers clutched Holy Week schedules and female penitents walked among heavy incense with their heads covered in white lace.

A man playing the role of Jesus in Paraguay acted out the anguish of being tortured while he carried a wooden cross and other faithful costumed as Roman soldiers lashed and kicked him.

A slum in Rio de Janeiro put on a Passion of Christ performance in which the shadow of Jesus' cross cast a sinister shadow on a nearby building.

In Guatemala, children put on purple and white costumes to play the part of penitents, and afterward stopped to eat cotton candy on the sidewalk.

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