Vintage illustration features Patrick Henry delivering his speech on the rights of the colonies before the Virginia Assembly, convened at Richmond, on March 23, 1775, concluding with "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" — which became the war cry of the American Revolution. (Original artwork printed by Currier & Ives/photo by MPI/Getty Images)
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PATRIOTIC Q&A – Quiz your kids on July 4th with this list of fun, All-American holiday trivia. Continue reading…
'RESILIENT BEASTS' – "Vampire" fish with rows of sharp teeth are taking bites out of large catches as population control commences. Continue reading...
UNSCRAMBLED – A 21-year-old man with severe autism has beaten the Rubik's Cube world record. Continue reading...

Max Park, 21, recently set a world record for solving a Rubik's Cube in 3.13 seconds — here's this young man's remarkable story. (Schwan Park)
GATOR SHOCK – A couple were startled by their barking dog when an alligator somehow sneaked into their home. Continue reading...
ENGULFED IN FLAMES – A boat carrying tourists off the coast of Greece was engulfed in flames, forcing passengers and crew to evacuate. See the frightening video...
SISTERS IN SYNC – Four sisters are all pregnant at the exact same time, and they say they didn't plan it this way. Continue reading...

The Thiem sisters are all due with their babies between August and November 2023 — saying they did not plan this. (Jena Primsky)
A REAL BLAST – This is the secret to snapping amazing pictures of fireworks on your phone. Check out these expert tips. Continue reading…
CALLING ALL CROSSWORD PUZZLE LOVERS! – Play our Fox News daily crossword puzzle for free here! And not just one — check out the multiple offerings. See the puzzles...

Play the Fox News daily online crossword puzzle — free! Solve daily puzzles, learn new words and help strengthen your mind with fun games. (iStock)
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