A fitness and swimwear model who claims to be a successful “Insta-Girl” says she and her boyfriend broke up because he insisted on being in her social media photos.

The anonymous woman, who shared her story to Reddit under the handle IGAZmodel, said she and her boyfriend were vacationing in Tulum, Mexico – on her dime – when he started questioning why she wouldn’t share pictures of the two of them enjoying the trip.

“It's just a fact. I need these pics from this vacation to be able to sell stuff. It's just the way my ‘job’ works,” the woman claimed.

“It's just a fact. I need these pics from this vacation to be able to sell stuff. It's just the way my ‘job’ works,” the woman claimed. (iStock)


She claims she explained that she preferred he not appear in any of her posts because she doesn’t get as much engagement with followers – i.e., her followers don’t click on her sponsored posts – whenever “there's a guy in the pic.”

“It's just a fact. I need these pics from this vacation to be able to sell stuff. It's just the way my ‘job’ works,” said IGAZmodel, who explained on Reddit that she also earns an income by teaching yoga classes. “We can take as many private pics as he likes, we can do pics of us hiking, having sex, laying by the pool, I don't care but I need to keep my [Instagram] separate.”

IGAZ model further claimed that their hotel was giving her a “steep discount” on the condition she share posts from the resort. She said she even covered the rest of her boyfriend’s costs – the remainder of the hotel bill, food, drinks, flights – as she’s able to afford a “nice vacation” due to her online and offline incomes.

Despite this, she alleges that her boyfriend was “pissy” and “short” for the whole time.

“I'm really upset because I paid for this entire vacation only to be ignored and treated pretty crappy,” she wrote.

The couple's hotel, in Tulum, had given the influencer a steep discount — but she claims she paid for the rest of their trip herself.

The couple's hotel, in Tulum, had given the influencer a steep discount — but she claims she paid for the rest of their trip herself. (Getty Images/Kelly Cheng)

Eventually, IGAZmodel says her boyfriend stormed out of their hotel and even blocked her on his phone.

She later updated her post to confirm she hadn’t heard from him in two days — and after getting support from Reddit, she’s totally fine with that.

“I got a VACATION to enjoy and some room keys to change,” she later confirmed. “He can figure out his own lodging and way back.”


Redditors reading her post were initially torn when deciding who was to blame for the breakup, with some theorizing IGAZmodel must’ve spent too much time taking photos instead of enjoying her couples’ vacation.

IGAZmodel, however, insisted that wasn’t the case, as she only spent about 10 minutes over the course of two days taking photos of herself.

The woman said she took mostly selfies and used a tripod for other photos, but didn't spend more than 10 minutes over the course of two days snapping pics for her social media.

The woman said she took mostly selfies and used a tripod for other photos, but didn't spend more than 10 minutes over the course of two days snapping pics for her social media. (iStock)

Supporters, meanwhile, suggested that perhaps IGAZmodel’s boyfriend wasn’t understanding enough — and maybe a little insecure.

“You’re going to make more money when he is not in the photos with you. That should be enough of an explanation for him to understand the situation and the fact that he is getting angry about it is very worrying and is a bit of a red flag for me,” one commenter wrote.

“You should probably have a separate family and friends account. That would probably sort this out. He probably feels that you are somehow ashamed of him and are excluding him,” someone else added. “He should also be more appreciative of your generosity.”

“I mean if he's that insecure maybe he shouldn’t be dating an influencer,” another said.


In the comments, IGAZmodel also suggested that her ex-boyfriend was so upset because he, too, is trying to be an Instagram influencer, and he might get a bump from being featured in her photos.

“He’s not at all upset about me working since I’m not,” she clarified. “He’s upset because I’m not featuring him in my Instagram pics from the vacation … but probably also because he doesn’t get to take advantage of my ‘numbers’ for his own influencer [point-of-sale] stuff.”


As of Monday morning, IGAZ model hadn’t confirmed whether the boyfriend had tried to get back in, although she previously explained he could easily find out if he had answered her phone calls.

“I had the bellman move all his stuff to a storage room, changed the [keys] to the room and I’m by the pool,” she wrote on Saturday. “No idea where he is and he blocked me on his phone so how he finds out is up to him.”