Hollywood artist memorializes Orlando nightclub shooting

Mannequins representing the 50 victims of the terror attack in Orlando adorn a roof in West Hollywood. EPA/MIKE NELSON

50 mannequins representing the 50 victims of the terror attack in Orlando, Florida, adorn the roof of US artist ChadMichael Morrisette's apartment in West Hollywood, California, USA, 13 June 2016. EPA/MIKE NELSON

The public art display, 'No One Is Safe,' was created by Morrisette as a dramatic response to denounce the mass killing. EPA/MIKE NELSON


The shooting took place at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida, where a total of 50 people, including the suspect, were killed and 53 were injured in the early hours of 12 June. EPA/MIKE NELSON

The shooter was killed in an exchange of fire with the police after taking hostages at the club. EPA/MIKE NELSON