
In the Hispanic community, there is a perception that as young boys age they become more confident about their physical appearance.

But a new survey says that’s not the case.

About 75 percent of Hispanic boys in the 11 to 13 age group say they like the way they look – but that number plummets to 54 percent when they turn 14, according to the study by the Chicago-based YouthBeat.

Hispanic girls seem to be more stable, liking their appearance even when they age.
The data shows that 55 percent of Hispanic girls in the 11 to 13 age group and the 14 to 17 age group both agreed with the statement that they liked the way they looked.

African American and Caucasian boys also lose body image confidence as they age, the study shows.

Seventy-four percent of African American boys in their tweens – ages 11 to 13 – say they are happy with the way they look, compared to the 63 percent of Caucasian boys. When entering their teens – ages 14 to17 – African American boy’s confidence goes downhill to 63 percent, while the Caucasian boy’s body image confidence descends to 55 percent.