When it comes to holidays, Heidi Klum is best known for being the queen of Halloween, thanks to her extravagant costumes and star-studded parties. But the statuesque supermodel gets just as festive for Christmas.
The 40-year-old, along with her four children, recently picked out not one, but six evergreen trees in Beverly Hills. And that's only the beginning, she says. As a fan of personal publishing service Shutterfly, the German beauty says she loves transforming her home into a winter wonderland with handmade keepsakes and creative décor. But how does she keep up with all the festivities and still look runway-ready with ease?
FOX News Magazine chatted with Klum about her not-so-secret love for Christmas, picking out perfect presents without emptying your wallet, as well as some of her guilty pleasures. Hint: they’re probably yours, too.
FNM: Everyone knows you for being the queen of Halloween, but few are aware that you’re just as festive when it comes to the holiday season. How does a busy supermodel and mom, like yourself, get ready for the holidays?
HK: The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree! My kids love dressing up and decorating the house as much as I do. We are big fans of getting into the spirit of things no matter what holiday it is. After Halloween, I take down all of the fake spider webs, pumpkins, and skeletons and replace them with wreaths, reindeer, and all kinds of Christmas ornaments. My family and I are very big on decorating and we like to go all out—it makes things much more festive and fun! It’s an activity we do together and we always have a lot of laughs while decorating. There is nothing better than walking into a home decorated in holiday cheer.
FNM: What are some major dos and don’ts when it comes to buying gifts?
HK: I think that the best gifts come from the heart. When I am shopping for gifts I always try and find something that the other person has an interest in, or something that resembles my relationship with that person. There is something special about giving and receiving gifts that are personal and meaningful.
FNM: How can one buy beautiful gifts for loved ones without overspending?
HK: Honestly, the best gifts are the ones that show that you really put thought in them. My children always make the most amazing gifts. For my 40th birthday, they did these beautiful casts of their hands. They painted them and put them in a shadow boxes. It’s my favorite piece of art in the house! Great gifts for kids to make for grandma and grandpa are mugs or having beautiful canvases of their art made from Shutterfly. Another great gift is to do a photo book of all of your favorite pictures from the year with that person or a calendar with your art or photos for every month.
FNM: I read you’re a big fan of Justin Bieber’s 'Believe.' What is it about this album that, for you, makes a great stocking stuffer?
HK: My kids and I love a dance party. We put on Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, or Rihanna and just let loose. Music always makes a great gift. If you want to give the gift of iTunes, I love creating playlists for people with my favorite music already on it. It gives it a personal touch, which I like.
FNM: Speaking of the holiday season, many people will be gearing up for their New Year’s resolution. Have you thought about yours?
HK: Last year my resolution was to make more fresh squeezed juices with fruits and vegetables. We did it as a family and it’s become a fun morning activity for us. All of the kids drink their smoothies and I know they are at least starting their day in a healthy way. I don’t always know if they eat what’s in their lunch box! I haven’t decided what my next resolution will be, but I am definitely going to stick with the smoothies. When you eat healthy you feel better on the inside and out.
FNM: You also have a collection with New Balance. How can people jumpstart their fitness goals for the New Year?
HK: I have two great tips that always help me get motivated to put on my running shoes. First, I love working out with a buddy. They keep you motivated and get you out of bed. You don’t want to leave a friend hanging. Also, when I start running in the summer, I can’t just jump into running for miles. I set goals for myself. For example, I start by running a mile and walk a mile or run two miles and walk half a mile building up as time goes. If you are running on the street go one mailbox or one house further each day. It also helps to build up your endurance.
One of the reasons I partnered with New Balance was to create a line of exercise clothing that made women feel sexy and confident about themselves while working out. When you like what you’re wearing, you stand a little taller and work a little harder!
FNM: We have to ask, what are some of your guiltiest pleasures?
HK: I do have guilty pleasures! I am a sucker for a good cheeseburger, French fries, and chocolate.
FNM: Speaking of chocolate, talk a little bit more about your love for Kinder Shokolade. Why would this make a sweet surprise for someone special this year?
HK: It is hard to resist sweets any time of year, but when I get my hands on some Kinder Shokolade for me it tastes like home! It makes for a sweet surprise because it is not something that you can just go to the grocery store and buy in the United States. My kids and I still make all of my favorite traditional German foods – like knoedels, schnitzel, and sauerkraut soup. They're so delicious! It’s fun to put together a basket of great foreign candy for someone. It’s something unexpected to receive and they might discover some new, great favorites.
FNM: How can we copy some of your style for upcoming holiday parties without blowing our budget?
HK: It’s all about the interesting accessories that make the outfit. I’m really into fishnet or fun lace hose or an amazing pump and great jewelry. It doesn’t have to be real! Even a change in your makeup can be enough to glam up your usual look. They have great salons now that do blowouts for $40 and you can pop into a department store to have your makeup done. Red lips and nails always pop. Do something you normally wouldn't do and everyone’s head will turn.
FNM: Speaking of parties, there's also all those dishes and drinks. How do you stay fit?
HK: Honestly, with my busy schedule, it’s impossible to have a set workout routine. However, I do like to try and incorporate exercise into my daily life whenever I can—which requires some creativity. Sometimes I jump on the trampoline with my kids or take a hike with my dogs in the canyon by my house. Sometimes I run for 30 minutes on my treadmill, but I prefer to be outdoors. When I’m traveling, it could be doing a few sit ups in my hotel room before I head to work. The holidays aren’t any different! You still have to find time to move.
FNM: What’s on your children’s wish list this year when it comes to presents?
HK: I have four children so holiday shopping is really entertaining at my house! I have them create a really fun and artsy wish list for Santa every year. They are so cute and it’s a great keepsake for us too! My kids do really love new pajamas on Christmas morning. We all wear the same ones and do a family photo. They were actually my inspiration to create pajamas for my Truly Scrumptious collection at Babies "R" Us. I design super cute snowman, elf, and tuxedo pajamas for the kids.
FNM: What’s next for you?
HK: I’m really excited about ‘America’s Got Talent’ coming back! We just announced Season 9. I have a lot of fun with those guys. Every day on the AGT set is surprising and unpredictable.
FNM: And what would be the perfect present for you this year?
HK: Truthfully, the most perfect present for me is getting to spend time and make memories with my family. Seeing my children happy and healthy is the best present I could get. I also love art and love letters. Anything money can’t buy!