A pooch born with half a spine is just one of 30 dogs in the world living with the condition.

Cooper, a two-year-old American foxhound, lives with short spine syndrome, a genetic condition caused by inbreeding where vertebrae are fused together and compressed.

The pup was rescued by animal control officers in summer 2017, close to a suspected puppy farm in Halifax, Virginia. Animal control officers believe that the two-month-old pup was abandoned because of his birth defect.


Cooper was saved by Secondhand Hounds, a shelter in Minnetonka, Minn., who treated the neglected dog for ear mites, worms and a hernia.

Cooper, a two-year-old American foxhound, lives with short spine syndrome, a genetic condition caused by inbreeding where vertebrae are fused together and compressed.

Cooper, a two-year-old American foxhound, lives with short spine syndrome, a genetic condition caused by inbreeding where vertebrae are fused together and compressed. (SWNS)

The brave pooch was eventually adopted by Elly Keegan, 32, and her husband Andy, 33, who live with their dogs Skylar, 13, Waylon, three, and Tuva, four.

Keegan described Cooper as “the happiest dog” even though he struggles with mobility, and cannot walk on hard surfaces.

"The condition means that Cooper has a screwing and corkscrewing of his spine," she explained. “It is fused in two places — on his neck and on his rear. He looks like he has no neck and to look behind him he has to turn his whole body.”

“His butt is on his back and it was all matted. He couldn’t go to the bathroom properly which was causing him a lot of issues,” she added.


Though Secondhand Hounds helps with special needs dogs, doesn’t mean Keegan and Cooper don’t have struggles.

"That’s not to say we don’t have incidences. A few months after he came he had a fall and fractured his neck in five places.

"A couple months ago he was starting to show signs of pain again and he actually had a bone infection called osteomyelitis.

The pup was rescued by animal control officers in summer 2017, close to a suspected puppy farm in Halifax, Virginia.

The pup was rescued by animal control officers in summer 2017, close to a suspected puppy farm in Halifax, Virginia. (SWNS)

"Because his spine is so compromised, it was dangerous but luckily we got it under control with antibiotics.”

But he is doing better now.

"He also had a surgery which helps him go to the bathroom a little better, which means he’s quite low maintenance now and can go by himself.

“It’s hard because he can’t go for long walks and can’t spend a lot of time on hard surfaces. He has to be on soft ground like grass or carpet.

“But he’s still the happiest dog.”

Cooper is being now being considered as a candidate for a study of short spined dogs being conducted by Purdue University in Indiana.

“Wherever he goes he draws attention but he really revels in it. He has a lot of fans on Facebook," said Keegan, a project manager.

Animal control officers believe that the two-month-old pup was abandoned because of his birth defect.

Animal control officers believe that the two-month-old pup was abandoned because of his birth defect. (SWNS)

“He’s such a friendly dog," added Keegan. "His condition is caused by inbreeding and it is unconscionable to me that he was just thrown away when the breeders realized he wouldn’t make them money.

“Many dogs with conditions like Cooper’s are euthanized which makes me so, so sad. They have so much living to do and Cooper is a real example of that. He has a happy, normal little life now and is a key member of our family.”


Teri Woolard, the coordinator at Secondhand Hounds, said everyone should consider adopting a special needs animal.

Woolard said, "Cooper is an example that dogs with disabilities have a lot of love to give and make great pets. We're so happy to have been a part of his journey."