Kirk Cameron speaks to Fox News Digital outside New York Public Library
Christian author-actor Kirk Cameron read to children outside New York Public Library on Friday after publisher Brave Books said he was denied space inside 20 different library branches. "Freedom is a rare and precious gift," said Cameron.
FIRST ON FOX: Actor-writer Kirk Cameron, who has been traveling across the country discussing faith, family and country with scores of American parents and children, is coming out with a new book on June 1 for kids called "Pride Comes Before the Fall."
He spoke with Fox News Digital by phone on Wednesday about why he's written it – and what he's hoping to share with Americans of all ages at a pivotal time in the culture, and especially as schools let out and kids begin their summers.
"I'm so excited about this book because it's so fun and full of action and adventure – and the kids are loving it. I read it at the Billy Graham library [in North Carolina] for the first time," he added.
Cameron and a team from Brave Books, his publisher, are also traveling to the Seattle Public Library this coming Saturday – all part of his cross-country tour to numerous public libraries to share his bedrock values of faith and family. He'll be reading the new book there to the assembled crowds.
"There's danger, adventure, waterfalls," he said of the new book's storyline.

Kirk Cameron holds a copy of his new children's book, "Pride Comes Before the Fall," out June 1 from Brave Books. "I want to teach children the importance of being humble and kind," he told Fox News Digital. (Kirk Cameron/Brave Books)
Importantly, said Cameron, "with a nation that is so saturated with the idea that pride is a good thing, the Bible warns us that pride is the deadliest of the seven deadly sins. Before greed, gluttony, sloth, wrath, envy and lust – is pride."
It's "the mother vice that gives birth to all the other dangerous things on the list," he said.
And so "I want to teach children the importance of being humble and kind" through this new book, said Cameron during the phone interview.
"We have to warn children that it's humility that will lead to the good life, not pride."
"Humility is the road to blessing," he said.
"And with a nation that is perpetuating this idea that it's good to be full of pride – especially this coming month, as we see signs that celebrate pride all over the place – we have to warn children that it's humility that will lead to the good life, not pride."

Kirk Cameron's new children's book, "Pride Comes Before the Fall," focuses on the importance of humility, friendship and doing the right thing – rather than on pride and on self-exaltation. (Kirk Cameron/Brave Books)
Added Cameron, "Think of it. We have magazines that are just so focused on self-image and self-exaltation, and self-expression and self-love – when what we ought to be thinking about it is putting others before ourselves. We should be humble, not prideful. Because pride is ultimately about exalting yourself. It feeds the ‘me monster.’"
Instead, "We should love our neighbors and consider their needs before our own. We should be teaching our kids to be humble."
And "that's what my book is all about," he said. "It teaches kids that the thing to celebrate is humility – not pride."
Added Cameron, "Everybody loves a humble person. Who do you love more than a person who's humble and kind? Tim McGraw has his great song, ‘Humble and Kind.’ It's one of my favorites! ‘Always stay humble and kind’" [Cameron sings the line over the phone]. "Everybody loves it!"
Said Cameron, "In the Bible, God devotes an entire book to warning against the dangers of pride and encouraging humility. It's the Book of Proverbs – and every proverb there is about ‘down with pride, up with humility,’ because God opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble."
"In the Bible, God devotes an entire book to warning against the dangers of pride and encouraging humility."
And "the great learning in the Scripture is this: Pride comes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall."
Cameron will be reading his new book at each of his upcoming events – "but if the parents get out their Bic lighters and start waving them for an encore," he said with a laugh, "then we'll pull out the classic, ‘As You Grow.'"
That's a reference to his first and very successful children's book with Brave Books.

Kirk Cameron is shown addressing a crowd at one of his earlier public library events. During many of his events, he and his team recite "The Pledge of Allegiance" and sing the national anthem before he begins his book readings. (Debby Wolvos)
After his Seattle event, Cameron will be appearing in Houston, Texas, on Saturday, June 3.
He has another event or two still to come this summer, he said.
On the ‘giant gathering of concerned parents’ that he's spoken with and met
What has Cameron learned, Fox News Digital asked him, from his cross-country tour to numerous public libraries filled with American families over the past six months or so?
"I've seen that there's a giant gathering of concerned parents who want to be part of securing and protecting our nation's values – values that made us the greatest country in the world," he said.
"There's a giant gathering of concerned parents who want to be part of securing and protecting our nation's values."
"These are the values of limited government, of private property, of the ability to send our kids to the schools that we want them to go to, of protecting the values and faith that lead to good character in children. This has been a big wakeup call that we're experiencing."
On how he's focused on his new 'purpose in life’
Is this Cameron's new calling in life – being a spokesperson for faith and family?
"I think the subject of pride and humility has helped me focus my purpose in life. I used to struggle with pride," he added.

Kirk Cameron stands on stage and talks to families and kids about his earlier children's book, "As You Grow." Said Cameron to Fox News Digital, "Humility has taught me to think of others and how I can use my gifts to help others." (Debby Wolvos)
"I had a problem with pride – and there's no wonder, when you're 17, 18 years old, you're on a popular Hollywood television program [a reference to the hit sitcom ‘Growing Pains’], and you have an amount of money and popularity and influence – it's easy to become prideful. And that it almost took me out," he said.
"It was the grace of God that humbled me and reminded me that thinking of others and being a spokesperson for what is true and beautiful and good is a higher priority than living life for myself and my own glory," he said.
"So, yes, I think this is a new focus for me. Humility has taught me to think of others and how I can use my gifts to help others, and how I can use the gifts and opportunities that God has given me to make life better for my neighbors."
"That's why I've done this book," he said.
"We need to teach this to our children when they're young. They deserve it. How disingenuous and selfish to teach children that pride is a good thing, when God warns us that pride comes before destruction – and that he opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble."
He also said, "If you want grace, then humble yourself – and God will lift you up so that you can benefit others."
On the June 1 timing of his ‘pride’ book
"I couldn't be more excited about this new book ‘Pride Comes Before the Fall’ and its timing as well," said Cameron.
The book is out "just in time for kids getting out of school – and parents are assembling their kids' reading programs and plans and events," he said.
"So this is going to help kids get off their phones, off social media, and instead, they can read a book about character and virtue. So June 1 is perfect – it's just in time for all of this."
"When a nation becomes known for being full of pride – they're headed for a fall."
Cameron also said it's "a tragedy to see an entire month [in the U.S.] devoted to the topic of pride. When a nation becomes known for being full of pride – they're headed for a fall."
He added, "So I'm hoping we can reverse course and that the United States, starting with the month of June, becomes known as the nation that celebrates humility. That's the path forward."
He made clear this is not directed at any one group of individuals in society.
Rather, he said, "this is about teaching our children about humility – and how important it is to think of others."

Kirk Cameron has been holding events at a variety of public libraries across America for the past six months or so. Here, he's shown reading "As You Grow." (Unashamed with Phil & Jase Robertson)
He added, "My book is not for any one narrow group of people. It's for everyone, and particularly for children. We want everyone to benefit from this. This is not an anti-LGBT book. This is a pro-humility book."
Cameron also shared with Fox News Digital, "Brave Books and I have decided to do a series of children's books on the seven deadly sins. This is the first one – and I'm so excited to get this one out as quickly as we've been able to. The next one will likely be coming out just in time for Christmas."
Brave Books CEO Trent Talbot told Fox News Digital by phone, "I think that this is such an important topic – pride is thinking that you don't need God. It really is the root of all sin. And I think our culture has gotten it a little backwards on pride."
He added, "We think this is a great opportunity to partner with Kirk, especially in the month of June, when you're going to see the word ‘pride’ a lot."
Kirk Cameron's new book can be pre-ordered on Amazon.