New York City – Our nation seems to be obsessed with looking young — and Latinos are no exception. Americans spend around $10 billion a year on beauty products from creams, facial masks and more, according to one estimate. But what does it take to look beneath the surface, embrace our wrinkles and love ourselves how we are at every age?
We spoke with Damon L. Jacobs, a licensed marriage and family therapist who specializes in issues like body image and aging. A contributor to MY Lifestyle Magazine, in the current issue he wrote the article “Fabulousness at every age” and revealed to our readers the five steps to stop feeling bad about one of the most natural processes of life — aging.
Click on the video this week to learn what those steps are and how to start embracing the real you.
Also this week, find out why Gloria Estefan fans are celebrating with joy after a major announcement from the superstar singer...