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    Easter in a Yaqui Village in Arizona

    Easter ceremonies of the Yaqui Tribe have been a part of Arizona history for decades. 

  • San_Ignacio_altar
    The altar of the San Ignacio church on Easter Sunday morning.
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    Paul Ross
  • cruz_de_flores
    A cross made of paper flowers adorns the ramada where ceremonial dancing goes on all night.
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    Paul Ross
  • flute_maker
    A flute and drum maker demonstrates his instruments.
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    Paul Ross
  • San_Ignacio_altar_detail
    Crucifixes on the altar of the San Ignacio church.
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    Paul Ross
  • San_Ignacio
    San Ignacio church decorated with flowers for Holy Week.  
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    Paul Ross
  • traditional_Yaqui_sandals
    Traditional Yaqui sandals on a carpet of confetti.
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    Paul Ross
  • plaza_entrance
    The plaza entrance in Old Pascua village.
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    Paul Ross
  • sculptress
    A woman displays her clay figures that depict the daily life of the Yaquis.
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    Paul Ross
  • street_station_of_the_cross
    A cross in the streets of Old Pascua village.
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    Paul Ross
  • Published
    9 Images

    Easter in a Yaqui Village in Arizona

    Easter ceremonies of the Yaqui Tribe have been a part of Arizona history for decades. 

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  • Easter in a Yaqui Village in Arizona
  • San_Ignacio_altar
  • cruz_de_flores
  • flute_maker
  • San_Ignacio_altar_detail
  • San_Ignacio
  • traditional_Yaqui_sandals
  • plaza_entrance
  • sculptress
  • street_station_of_the_cross