Crime keeping Mexicans away from cemeteries for Day of the Dead

Broken tombs left by graverobbers at the Iztapalapa cemetery in Mexico City. People in Mexico are skipping traditional Day of the Dead celebrations at graveyards because of criminal activity. (Photo: Alasdair Baverstock/Fox News Latino)

90-year-old Raul Mendez was robbed at gunpoint two years ago as he paid his respects at his parents' graveside at Iztapalapa. (Photo: Alasdair Baverstock/Fox News Latino)

An untended plot at the Iztapalapa cemetery in Mexico City. (Photo: Alasdair Baverstock/Fox News Latino)

Gang graffiti at the Iztapalapa cemetery in Mexico City. (Photo: Alasdair Baverstock/Fox News Latino)

The maze-like paths and close-together plots makes it easy for burglars and other criminals to avoid capture by police. (Photo: Alasdair Baverstock/Fox News Latino)

Rosa María Alorón (right) and her mother, Graciela Cruz, prefer to hold their gravesite visits weeks ahead of the festival days to avoid the risk of robbery. (Photo: Alasdair Baverstock/Fox News Latino)

The Iztapalapa cemetery in Mexico City. (Photo: Alasdair Baverstock/Fox News Latino)

The maze-like paths and close-together plots makes it easy for burglars and other criminals to avoid capture by police. (Photo: Alasdair Baverstock/Fox News Latino)