Two bored funnymen in England have set up hilariously elaborate photoshoots in their backyard of their favorite movies and TV shows — including "Star Wars," "It," and "Tiger King."

Jamie Honeybourne, 45, and husband Alan Gibbons, 48, have transformed their home into a movie set and converted kitchen utensils and furniture into props. What started out as a way to cope with lockdown boredom has quickly developed into a thought-out creative process, which takes hours each day.

Jamie Honeybourne and husband Alan Gibbon said they kicked things off with a "Tiger King" photoshoot before decided to turn the idea into a daily thing.

Jamie Honeybourne and husband Alan Gibbon said they kicked things off with a "Tiger King" photoshoot before decided to turn the idea into a daily thing. (SWNS)


The pair are both freelancers and have struggled for work since the coronavirus pandemic began. But now, the captivating couple has spent each day carefully planning these shoots — and have yet to miss a day since they started more than 50 ago.

So far, they have recreated famous films and shows such as "The Breakfast Club," "Mary Poppins" and "Dr. Who" in their own rib-tickling way.

So far, Jamie and Alan have recreated famous films and shows such as "The Breakfast Club," "Mary Poppins" and "Dr. Who" in their own rib-tickling way.

So far, Jamie and Alan have recreated famous films and shows such as "The Breakfast Club," "Mary Poppins" and "Dr. Who" in their own rib-tickling way. (SWNS)


“The first 10 days of lockdown were a bit of a blur — we were anxious but didn’t do anything, which I’m sure many people can relate to. But when it became clear that coronavirus was going to be a long-term thing we decided we need to use our time in a more positive way," said Honeybourne, from Scarborough, North Yorkshire.

“We had a moment where we realized that we wanted to be silly and make people laugh. Why not dress up as different films we’ve been watching?"

Making people laugh, they are.

Making people laugh, they are. (SWNS)

Honeybourne says the duo started out with "Tiger King" and had such a blast, they started making "a long list of our favorite films and TV shows" to emulate.

“We have set ourselves a target to do one every single day, almost like a job. But over the last few weeks they’ve been getting more intricate and more elaborate,” Honeybourne said. “It’s getting bigger and crazier by the day."


The pair now stick to a strict schedule each day, having started planning and preparation the day before.

At 10 a.m., they start applying makeup and creating the props, the latter usually being repurposed furniture or anything lying about in time for the shoot at midday.

"Alan is the creative brains behind the creations, I am always amazed by what he can do with one of our curtains, a few bulldog clips and a roll of gaffer tape," said Jamie. “The technical side is mine, setting up the camera, editing the videos, getting everything online. So, it's a real team effort."

"Alan is the creative brains behind the creations, I am always amazed by what he can do with one of our curtains, a few bulldog clips and a roll of gaffer tape," said Jamie. “The technical side is mine, setting up the camera, editing the videos, getting everything online. So, it's a real team effort." (SWNS)

“Alan gets moving making the props in the morning while I look at the technical aspect of it," Honeybourne said. "Alan is the creative brains behind the creations, I am always amazed by what he can do with one of our curtains, a few bulldog clips and a roll of gaffer tape.

“The technical side is mine, setting up the camera, editing the videos, getting everything online. So, it's a real team effort," Honeybourne said. “To be honest it is fantastic for us both to have something every day which gets us up and about. Every day we are active, creative and collaborative.

“It’s just about making ourselves laugh at the end of the day — and hopefully others too. We all need a little joy and laughter in our lives.”


Honeybourne and Gibbons have been married for 13 years, and not a moment goes by where they don’t make each other laugh. But they said these photoshoots have rekindled a passion for laughter and creativity that was sometimes lost.

Alan and Jamie, who have have been married for 13 years, said these photoshoots have rekindled a passion for laughter and creativity that was sometimes lost.

Alan and Jamie, who have have been married for 13 years, said these photoshoots have rekindled a passion for laughter and creativity that was sometimes lost. (SWNS)

Comedy actor Gibbons says he’s always had to be creative in his life, as he didn’t have much money growing up.

“As a kid, my brother and I had very little, so we would find any ways to play and make things fun," said Gibbons, originally from Hull, in East Yorkshire. “I think that’s carried over into adulthood. I just look around the house and think what could I make from this and the options are limitless."

“I’ve loved doing this each day because a lot of people are struggling and it’s just been a difficult time," Gibbons added. “I look forward to the shoots each morning and it’s given us a purpose through all of this.”