Coming on the heels of the company’s bottle made completely of ice and its can that twists in half to share with a friend, Coca-Cola has decided to go green.
No, the Atlanta-based soda giant isn’t running its factories on solar power or cutting back on its carbon emissions, it’s actually going green. Well, its label is at least.
Coca-Cola recently introduced in Argentina Coca-Cola Life, a “natural” cola that is made with a mix of sugar and Stevia, an extract from the leaves of a shrub in the chrysanthemum family that grows in Latin America. Meant to stand in the middle of the low calorie Diet Coke (or Coke Light in Argentina) and the regular Coke, Coca-Cola Life has taken the brand’s classic red and white logo with its iconic Spencerian script lettering and changed it to green.
“Coca-Cola Life is the first soda from the Coca-Cola family that is naturally sweetened with sugar and Stevia, which adds to our portfolio a delicious taste with a proposed low in calories,” Coca-Cola wrote on its Argentinean website.
The corporation, however, is also going green outside of the new label.
Coca-Cola Life will be bottled in the unique PlantBottle, which is made of 30 percent plant material and is 100 percent recyclable. The container was also given the prestigious DuPont Award for Packaging Innovation.
Argentina seems like an ideal place to introduce Coke’s newest cola iteration. The country is already very aware of Stevia, which is produced in the South American nation.
If that doesn’t sell bottles, Coke could be betting on Argentinean’s love for green beverages.
Mate, anyone?
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