Bride-to-be slammed for complaining about heirloom ring: 'It looked old'

An anonymous bride-to-be is getting dragged on Reddit for complaining about her “second-hand ring.” (iStock)

Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth — and then post about it on social media.

A bride-to-be is getting dragged on Reddit for complaining about her “second-hand ring,” which she called “old and the stones looked average at best.”

The anonymous woman posted in the forum “Am I the A------,” seeking advice for how to handle the situation with her potential fiancé after she shamed her ring in front of him.

“I and my boyfriend have been together for 10 years. We live together, and we have a 4yo daughter. I was waiting forever for him to propose. So I was really excited when my sister told me that my boyfriend asked her which kind of ring would suit me and he sent her some pics from Tiffany's,” the bride says in her post, before describing the proposal.


“I said yes and then he showed me the ring. It was not even a new one. It looked old and the stones looked average at best. When I asked him about that he told me that his mother gave him her ring. He told me that it had a great sentimental value since his father was the only man his mother ever truly loved and I'm the only woman he'll ever love. His father is no more, and his mother gave it to him.”

Though the sentiment was sweet, the bride goes on to say “it doesn’t look great.”

“Also, I don't want the [beginning] of my new life to start with a second hand ring. When I told him this, he was very upset and told me that he never thought I was so materialistic and he just left. He's not even answering any of my messages or calls.”


The bride, who was hoping to get advice for her situation, was instead soon met with dozens of comments slamming her reaction and calling her “the a------.”

“If this is REALLY your first instinct when your man proposes to you, do him a favor and don't actually go through with the wedding. It's supposed to be about sharing a life with the person you love, not the rock he puts on your finger,” one wrote.

“It's so much MORE special than some Tiffanys ring that 300 other people have...I would feel so honored if someone did something like that for me! You really need to reevaluate OP,” another said.

“Don’t worry, there of tons of us good women out there who aren’t materialistic and nutty like her,” one user commented.


“That ring probably means more to him than you realize... Maybe you can get it buffed and shine it up a little?” another person wrote.

Though there were a couple that seemed to come down on her side, defending the bride’s personal style.

“No, that’s fine. Just let your partner know that ahead of time and do it tactfully,” a Reddit user wrote, before defending themselves with a follow-up post: “So my husband would be an ass if I proposed with my grandfather's ring? Even if I knew it wasn't his style and he would see it as way too much? He would be wrong not to wear it everyday?“

Despite those who defended her, the bride eventually came around to seeing she was in the wrong and responded to one of the comments, saying, “I f---ed up big time.”

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