Bride-to-be reportedly makes friends compete for bridal party spots

One future bridezilla has caught heat online for reportedly challenging her family and friends to duke it out in order to win a place in her bridal party. (iStock)

A potential bridezilla-in-the-making is catching heat online for reportedly challenging her family and friends to duke it out in order to win a place in her bridal party, demanding that they shower her with presents and parties if they want to stand by her side on the big day.

An anonymous Reddit user shared the tale in a post Monday, claiming to be the bride's sister — and it has since been liked over 550 times and sparked over 150 comments.

“My sister is getting engaged and is having her potential bridal party battle it out so she has one less thing to worry about before the engagement,” the woeful author begins.


The demanding bride further insisted that her friends would have to sign a so-called contract, too. (iStock)

According to Yahoo, the unnamed Redditor shared images of text messages from her sister (they have since been removed), which challenged seven friends to battle for four spots in her bridal party.

“Congrats! You’ve made it into the final round of the Bridal Party Brawl. Currently, there are 7 players left and only 4 spots available,” the bride-to-be allegedly wrote.

“To secure your spot in our wedding party, the following things will be required: a promise to host a party (must be couples) at a venue other than someone’s house. Your wedding gift must be cash/check of at least $500. You must buy me or [her partner] a “day of gift” of at least $100,” a screenshot posted by SomeECards details.

“You must attend every shower/party we have and will be required to purchase a gift for each one (with a value of at least $50),” she also said.

The demanding bride also said friends would have to sign a so-called contract, too.

“You will sign a contract that holds you legally responsible for meeting all of our requirements and says that if you don't you will be legally held to reimbursing us for the time we wasted and the stress of causing problems,” she finished, per the text.

In a somehow confusing sequence of events, the Redditor continued to state that her sister, who she calls “The Gnat” is not even engaged yet. (iStock)

In a somehow confusing sequence of events, the Redditor claimed that her sister, whom she calls “The Gnat,” is not even engaged yet.

"Essentially my sister, referred to in previous posts as The Gnat, is not even engaged yet and is having potential victims, I mean bridal party members, compete to be in the Bridal Party,” the author claims. “She specifically included me as part of list because I'm her sister, though I have no desire to be involved or even attend. I haven't responded to a single text.”

Meanwhile, the intense list of demands rubbed many Reddit users the wrong way, inciting spiteful comments and debate.

“So, do the ring bearer and flower girl have to pay as well?” one asked, wondering where youngsters would get $500 for a gift. (iStock)

“So, do the ring bearer and flower girl have to pay as well?” one asked, wondering where youngsters would get $500 for a gift.


“They need a $100 day-of gift, $50 at every party and shower, and to host a party at a venue??? Where does this level of greed and entitlement come from?” another chimed in.

“I'd have the flu from the moment I received the text up until their first anniversary (if they make it there). Or be washing my hair for this long,” one said.

“This is the icing on the crazy cake,” another declared.

“I hope she ends up with no bridal party at all. This is entitlement to the max,” another user said.

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