Brazil’s Drink Of Choice, The Versatile Cachaça

Cachaça, like soccer, is a symbol of national pride. At the Academia de Cachaça, the wares and the flag are displayed together. (Photo: Andrew O’Reilly/Fox News Latino)

The Academia de Cachaça in Rio de Janeiro has over 100 different types of the liquor for customers to sample. The darker cachaças are aged in wood barrels to give the liquor a distinct flavor and coloring. (Photo: Andrew O’Reilly/Fox News Latino)

A bartender at the Academia de Cachaça pours a dark cachaça into the bar’s signature drink, the academico. (Photo: Andrew O’Reilly/Fox News Latino)

Three freshly-made caipirinhas await delivery to customers at the Academia de Cachaça. (Photo: Andrew O’Reilly/Fox News Latino)

Three varieties of mixed drinks made from cachaça – from left, the academico, the Brasilero and the classic caipirinha. (Photo: Andrew O’Reilly/Fox News Latino)