Brazilian 'unicorn' is rare case of bull born with one perfectly centered horn

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Brazil is a country full of wonders: The vast expanse of the Amazon rainforest, Iguazu Falls, its supermodels and, of course, Diamond the bullnicorn.

While most bulls have two horns on either side of their head that grow outward in a flat arc as they get older, Diamond was born with just one horn — and it is smack dab in the middle of the muscular beast's forehead.

Not much else is known about Diamond or how he came to have his "uni-horn," but photos of the bull have been spread on social media.

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And while it appears that this bull was born naturally, there have been many cases in the past of mad scientists who have tried to breed or create the mythical unicorn.

W. F. Dove, a biologist at the University of Maine who studied animal production in the early 20th century, spent years trying to create a unicorn goat, a unicorn cow or to turn any animal that passed through the biologist's barn yard into a uni-something.

One of his projects involved developing a bull with only one horn. While successful to a point, the animal lived for only three years.

In a more natural occurrence, Australian fishermen near Osprey Reef in the Coral Sea, off the Queensland coast, hooked a tuna with a giant horn sticking straight out from its head and it was quickly dubbed a 'tunicorn' by social media users.

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