As if online dating wasn’t already rough, one controversial dating site has released a list of “ugly” physical traits that bar applicants from gaining admission to their members-only club; and with such harshly subjective criteria, it’s a wonder how anyone earns a spot in the first place.

The Daily Mirror reported Monday the findings from a recent poll of 3,000 users of, which famously claims to have rejected 8.5 million hopefuls “for not being attractive enough” since the venture launched in 2002.

Less than 15 percent of applicants are reportedly accepted into the dating site– and now we may know why.

Less than 15 percent of applicants are reportedly accepted into the dating site– and now we may know why. (iStock)

Commenting on the report, the site’s managing director, Greg Hodge, dished that BeautifulPeople’s 750,000 members use a “democratic rating system” to “filter out the undesirables,” as per the Mirror.

Less than 15 percent of applicants are reportedly accepted into the dating site — and now we may know why.


According to the poll, both men and women on the site agreed that obesity, having an “unsightly” nose, bad mouth and teeth, bad skin and unkempt grooming are surefire grounds to be rejected from the international dating site.

Women also went on to write off candidates that were “too short,” having ungroomed facial or body hair, balding, having bad posture, sporting “dirty or long nails” as well as being “too skinny, scrawny, effeminate.”

Though the criteria may seem terribly exclusionary, Hodge said that the high physical standards for membership is a keystone of BeautifulPeople’s foundation for a more “beautiful world.”

Though the criteria may seem terribly exclusionary, Hodge said that the high physical standards for membership is a keystone of BeautifulPeople’s foundation for a more “beautiful world.” (iStock)

As for the gentlemen, a perfectly proportioned body type is apparently essential for contenders. Having a shapeless “poor” figure, as well as “no butt,” or, alternatively, “too much butt,” being “ThinFat” (skinny without tone) were criteria for exclusion, as per the report.

In addition, having “eyes too far apart or close together,” bad makeup or bad eyebrows (i.e. not plucked or overplucked) were serious turnoffs as well.


Though the criteria may seem terribly exclusionary, Hodge said that the high physical standards for membership is a keystone of BeautifulPeople’s foundation for a more “beautiful world.”

“Members of BeautifulPeople rate hundreds of beautiful hopefuls every day who aspire to be granted access into their beautiful world,” he told the Mirror. “BeautifulPeople members, through a democratic rating system, filter out the undesirables, in order to keep their dating community beautiful.”

As for the report, Hodge said he was “pleasantly surprised” with the members' feedback, as many of the “ugly traits” detailed were “fixable.”

“So many of the ugly traits listed are easily fixable, which means potentially there is a bigger market of beautiful people out there hidden behind excess weight, bad teeth or lack of grooming,” Hodge mused. “From a business perspective, that is good news.”


“With a little more education in aesthetics, we will be able to further increase our market demographic and make the world a more beautiful place,” he said.

Last year, BeautifulPeople partnered with Beverly Hills Plastic surgeon Linda Li to launch a "feedback" service, providing rejected aspirants with advice from plastic surgeons and beauty industry experts at a discount to “help them improve their looks,” as per a press release.