Andean Rite Crowns 7-Hour Trek In Peru

In this Sept. 14, 2013 photo, pilgrims walk towards the Lord of Huanca in Cuzco, Peru. Devotees from across Peru and neighboring countries come to Cuzco to make the annual seven-hour night hike to the mountain, to honor a 339-year-old image of Christ scourged and bleeding, known as the Lord of Huanca, on the walls of the shrine. The 3-day celebration beginning on the eve of Sept. 14, attracts thousands of people carrying candles and flowers to the shrine, which is also accessible by vehicle. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

In this Sept. 14, 2013 photo, pilgrims attend a Mass at the Lord of Huanca Sanctuary in Cuzco, Peru. Every year thousands of faithful trek for seven hours up to the foot of Perus Pachatusan mountain to pay homage to the Lord of Huanca - an image of Jesus Christ, scourged and bleeding, pictured in background, that tradition says was painted on a cave wall 339 years ago. The story says Jesus appeared to a native pressed into mine work who had taken refuge in a cave to escape punishment. The man later described his vision to an artist who painted the image, the Lord of Huanca, on a cavern wall. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

In this Sept. 14, 2013 photo, a beggar stands outside the Lord of Huanca Sanctuary, at the foot of the Pachatusan mountain, near Cuzco, Peru. Each year, thousands of devotees from across Peru and neighboring countries come to Cuzco to make the annual seven-hour night hike to the mountain, to honor a 339-year-old image of Christ scourged and bleeding, known as the Lord of Huanca, on the walls of the shrine, depicted by an anonymous painter. The cult of the Lord of Huanca was officially recognized by the Catholic Church in 1779. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

In this Sept. 14, 2013 photo, faithful light candles the Lord of Huanca Sanctuary, at the foot of the Pachatusan mountain, near Cuzco, Peru. Each year, thousands of devotees from across Peru and neighboring countries come to Cuzco to make the annual seven-hour night hike to the mountain, to honor a 339-year-old image of Christ scourged and bleeding, known as the Lord of Huanca, on the walls of the shrine, depicted by an anonymous painter. The cult of the Lord of Huanca was officially recognized by the Catholic Church in 1779. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

In this Sept. 14, 2013 photo, devotees look for a space to dress after taking a bath in the waters near the Lord of Huanca Sanctuary, near Cuzco, Peru. Each year, thousands of South Americans from across Peru and neighboring countries make the pilgrimage, some hiking from Cuzco, to the foot of the Pachatusan mountains to honor a 339-year-old image of Christ scourged and bleeding. According to belief, Christ appeared to an Indian who was hiding inside a cave in Huanca to escape the punishment of his Spanish master. Afterwards, guided by the Indian's description, an artist painted the image of Christ on the cave walls, that became known as the Lord of Huanca. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

In this Sept. 14, 2013 photo, devotees gather near the Lord of Huanca Sanctuary, near Cuzco, Peru. Every year thousands of faithful trek for seven hours up to the foot of Perus Pachatusan mountain to pay homage to the Lord of Huanca - an image of Jesus Christ, scourged and bleeding, that tradition says was painted in a cave 339 years ago. The 3-day celebration beginning on the eve of Sept. 14, attracts thousands of people carrying candles and flowers to the shrine. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

In this Sept. 14, 2013 photo, a woman combs the hair of a girl after taking a bath in the waters near the Lord of Huanca Sanctuary, near Cuzco, Peru. Each year, thousands of South Americans from across Peru and neighboring countries make the pilgrimage, some hiking from Cuzco, to the foot of the Pachatusan mountains to honor a 339-year-old image of Christ scourged and bleeding. According to belief, Christ appeared to a man who was hiding inside a cave in Huanca to escape the punishment of his Spanish master. The man later described his vision to an artist who painted the image in the cavern, that became known as the Lord of Huanca . (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

In this Sept. 14, 2013 photo, a pilgrim sleeps on a gravel pile outside the Lord of Huanca Sanctuary, near Cuzco, Peru. Every year thousands of faithful trek for seven hours up to the foot of Perus Pachatusan mountain to pay homage to the Lord of Huanca, an image of Jesus Christ, scourged and bleeding, that tradition says was painted in a cave 339 years ago. Devotees hike up to the sanctuary on the eve of Sept. 14 carrying candles and flowers, a religious tradition that began in colonial times and last for 3 days. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

In this Sept. 14, 2013 photo, women cook cuy chactado or fried guinea pigs to sell to pilgrims making the trek to the Lord of Huanca Sanctuary, at the foot of the Pachatusan mountain, near Cuzco, Peru. Each year, thousands of devotees from across Peru and neighboring countries come to Cuzco to make the annual seven-hour night hike up the mountain, to honor a 339-year-old image of Christ scourged and bleeding, known as the Lord of Huanca, on the walls of the shrine. The cult of the Lord of Huanca was officially recognized by the Catholic Church in 1779. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

In this Sept. 14, 2013 photo, play money with images of religious icons are displayed at vendor's stall outside the Lord of Huanca Sanctuary, at the foot of the Pachatusan mountain, near Cuzco, Peru. Each year, thousands of devotees from across Peru and neighboring countries come to Cuzco to make the annual seven-hour night hike up the mountain, to honor a 339-year-old image of Christ scourged and bleeding, known as the Lord of Huanca, on the walls of the shrine, depicted by an anonymous painter. The cult of the Lord of Huanca was officially recognized by the Catholic Church in 1779. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

In this Sept. 14, 2013 photo, a man reaches out to touch a statue of Jesus Christ outside the Lord of Huanca Sanctuary, near Cuzco, Peru. Each year, thousands of devotees from across Peru and neighboring countries come to Cuzco to make the annual seven-hour night hike up the mountain, to the the foot of the sanctuary, to honor a 339-year-old image of Christ scourged and bleeding, known as the Lord of Huanca, on the walls of the shrine, depicted by an anonymous painter. The cult of the Lord of Huanca was officially recognized by the Catholic Church in 1779. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd) (AP2013)

In this Sept. 14, 2013 photo, vendors, tents and vehicles dot the foot of the Pachatusan mountain, where people have arrived to visit the Lord of Huanca Sanctuary, near Cuzco, Peru. Devotees from across Peru and neighboring countries come to Cuzco to make the annual seven-hour night hike to the mountain, to honor a 339-year-old image of Christ scourged and bleeding, known as the Lord of Huanca, on the walls of the shrine, depicted by an anonymous painter. The 3-day celebration beginning on the eve of Sept. 14, attracts thousands of people carrying candles and flowers to the shrine, which is also accessible by vehicle. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

In this Sept. 14, 2013 photo, a woman stands outside the Lord of Huanca Sanctuary, at the foot of the Pachatusan mountain, near Cuzco, Peru. Each year, thousands of devotees from across Peru and neighboring countries make the annual pilgrimage, to the the foot of the sanctuary, to honor a 339-year-old image of Christ scourged and bleeding, known as the Lord of Huanca. According to belief, Christ appeared to an Indian who was hiding inside a cave in Huanca to escape the punishment of his Spanish master. Afterwards, guided by the Indian's description, an artist painted the image of Christ on the cave walls, that became known as the Lord of Huanca. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

In this Sept. 14, 2013 photo, pilgrims bathe in the waters near the Lord of Huanca Sanctuary, near Cuzco, Peru. Every year thousands of faithful trek for seven hours up to the foot of Perus Pachatusan mountain to pay homage to the Lord of Huanca, an image of Jesus Christ scourged and bleeding, that tradition says was painted in a cave 339 years ago. The 3-day celebration beginning on the eve of Sept. 14, attracts thousands of people carrying candles and flowers to the shrine. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)