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    4 Moves to Build a Beach-Ready Body

    On the hunt for some exercises to get your body bikini-ready? Fitness trainer Jolie Manza of Remorca Fitness showed us some great moves to tone your abs and tighten your buns. Watch Manza demonstrate her routine in the video above, and try her workout at home by following the instructions below.

  • # 1
    Extend your working leg straight up towards the ceiling. Drape a towel across the sole of that foot and hold each end with your hands. Lift your hips off the ground and pulse your extended leg up into the towel, making sure to isolate the working leg's glute muscle. Repeat 10 times on each side. For more of a challenge, come onto your toes while bridging. Pulse at the end of each set for 15 seconds.
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  • # 2
    In that same bridge position holding the towel, bring your arms over your head. While extending one leg at a 90 degree angle, raise your hips off the ground by pressing into the bent leg. Keeping your hips raised, lower the extended leg until your heel taps the ground, then lift it back up (nothing should be moving except the working leg). Repeat 10 times on each leg. For more of a challenge, pulse for 15 seconds after each set.
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  • # 3
    Turn onto all fours for an arabesque rainbow cross. Extend your working leg behind you in an externally rotated position. Pulse the leg up toward the ceiling three times, then carry it over and tap the ground on the opposite side of the body (making a rainbow-like arc so the inner thighs cross). Carry the leg back over and tap the ground on the original side, then lift the leg and repeat the pulse. Repeat 10 times on each side.
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  • # 4
    On a smooth surface such as a hardwood floor, start in a plank position with a towel under each foot. Keeping your knees off the ground at all times, slide your feet away from each other and back together using your outer glutes and lower abs. Repeat 20 to 30 times. For an easier version, perform the plank on your elbows.
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    4 Moves to Build a Beach-Ready Body

    On the hunt for some exercises to get your body bikini-ready? Fitness trainer Jolie Manza of Remorca Fitness showed us some great moves to tone your abs and tighten your buns. Watch Manza demonstrate her routine in the video above, and try her workout at home by following the instructions below.

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  • 4 Moves to Build a Beach-Ready Body
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