Zesty Shrimp Ceviche

<b>Ingredients</b> <b>Tomato Sauce Ingredients</b> 1 large tomato, seeded and chopped<br> 2 jalapeños, seeded and chopped<br> 1 red bell pepper, seeded and chopped<br> ½ small onion, finely chopped<br> ½ cup lime juice, freshly squeezed<br> ½ cup orange juice, freshly squeezed<br> ½ cup tomato saud<br> 1 tablespoon sugar<br> ½ teaspoon kosher salt <b>Ceviche Ingredients</b> 1 pound large shrimp, blanched<br> 1 small red onion, thinly sliced<br> 2 tablespoons chives, chopped<br> 2 tablespoons scallions, thinly sliced<br> 2 tablespoons cilantro, chopped<br> 4 tablespoons, chopped nuts for crunch and garnish (optional) – We used honey roasted soy nuts

<b>Step 1</b> Chop all ingredients.

<b>Step 2</b> In a pot, add tomato, white onion, jalapeño, red bell pepper and tomato sauce. Heat for a few minutes.

<b>Step 3</b> Take half the ingredients and puree in a blender.

<b>Step 4</b> Reunite with chopped veggies in pot. Add salt and combine. Set aside.

<b>Step 5</b> To blanch shrimp, first prepare an ice bath which is a large bowl filled with water and ice and have readily positioned next to the stove. Bring a pot of water to a boil, sprinkle with salt and add shrimp.  

<b>Step 6</b> Heat for one minute, then transfer shrimp (using a slotted spoon) to the ice bath until completely cooled. This will stop the cooking process.

<b>Step 7</b> Once cooled, lay shrimp over paper towels to dry.

<b>Step 8</b> In a large glass bowl, combine shrimp, chives, scallions, red onion, cilantro and juices. Chill for 30 minutes.

<b>Step 9</b> Add tomato mixture and combine again.

<b>Step 10</b> Place in four serving dishes and top with nuts.