Woman survives internal decapitation, thanks firefighters who saved her life

A Phoenix, Ariz., woman who sustained an internal decapitation – and survived – met the firefighters who saved her life Monday, azfamily.com reported.

Rachel Bailey was in a car crash last September, and her skull severed from her spine, according to the website. Typically, such an injury would be deadly – or at least cause paralysis, but Bailey is walking and talking today. She does not remember the crash.

“You’re the unsung heroes,” she told the firefighters at Fire Station 7 on Hatcher Road in Phoenix. “I can’t express enough gratitude.”

Fire Captain Wayde Kline cooked dinner for Bailey and her family Monday, according to the website, and said it was “emotional” to see her.

“As firefighters, we often see patients at their worst,” he added. “This reminds us the people we take care of are someone’s son, daughter, mother or father.”

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