Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the World Health Organization’s director, said on Monday that there should be no sense of complacency amid the coronavirus outbreak and supported his claim by pointing out that there were 136,000 new cases on Sunday, the most so far.


“More than six months into the pandemic, this is not the time for any country to take its foot off the pedal,” he said, according to Reuters. The report pointed out that most of the cases were from South  Asia and the Americas.

Health officials in the U.S. fear an increase in cases due to the recent unrest over the death of George Floyd in police custody. It was recently revealed that a protester in Kansas was diagnosed with the coronavirus shortly after taking part in a protest in the city of Lawrence. Health officials there warned those protesters who may have been at the rally to self-monitor. The person was not wearing a mask.

The WHO also revealed on Monday that the spread of coronavirus by those without symptoms appears to be rare.


Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, the WHO official, said that countries that are performing “very detailed contact tracing” determined that it appears rare to transmit the disease without symptoms.

Fox News' David Aaro and the Associated Press contributed to this report