Weight loss plan depends on personality type, says 'Biggest Loser' trainer

You’ve probably heard that your personality type drives your career and relationship decisions, but what about your weight loss plan?

Jen Widerstrom, a health and fitness trainer from NBC’s ‘The Biggest Loser,’ believes finding a diet plan isn’t about a one-size-fits-all approach— it’s about doing what best suits you.

“For [an author] to write a diet plan and not include the reader, you’re already starting them off with failure, because I don’t want them to do what I’m doing, I want them to lean into who they are,” Widerstrom told Fox News.

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In Wiederstrom’s new book, ‘Diet Right for Your Personality Type,’ she categorizes people into these five different personality groups, giving them a customized 4-week diet and fitness plan.

A person who craves routines and rules, is results oriented but is self-critical and who neglects to celebrate their success and progress, fits in this type. They would do “best on a diet that is highly structured, with prescribed foods and recipes to eat at each meal,” Widerstrom explains in the book.

This is someone who is social and extroverted but requires accountability. They are always trying the latest diet and have a “seeing is believing” mindset. A Swinger needs a lot of options to satisfy their desires and not feel too restrained by a strict diet plan, Widerstrom said.

These spontaneous and impulsive types have high energy and dislike routine. They can become inconsistent in dieting and exercise and are often noncommittal.

“Because there is a lack of attention to detail, [they] don’t think about portion size, [they’re] not really tuned in to [their] hunger cues, and end up overeating at meals,” Widerstrom said.

Rebels also need their workouts early in the day, since their disorganization can lead them to a local happy hour rather than the gym, she said.

People in this group are collaborative, committed friends. They may get overloaded at times, which can cause inconsistencies with exercise and even a habit of relying on grab-and-go foods or drive-throughs.

“They would never take on a new task or even invest in themselves if it was competing with something else that was already in their life, like for a spouse or a child,” Widerstrom said.

To stay on track, Everyday Heroes need to rely on others for support so they can invest more time into their personal health, she wrote in the book.

They can be smart and efficient when they want to be, but Never-Evers are often filled with negative self-talk and pessimism. Finding a workout buddy or a personal trainer can help them succeed. They’re people that can flourish with the power of accountability.

Whatever personality you are, Widerstrom has a few foundational health rules that apply to everyone.

“I honestly want you having consistent sleep. Really make sure you get quality rest, it’s the only time your body recovers. Number two is hydration, you don’t realize it but your body can’t decipher between ‘I’m thirsty’ and ‘I’m hungry’ and that’s where cravings come from,’ Widerstrom said. “And finally it’s that nutritional timing, having that snack stash. I’ll have a pear or a banana or almonds or even just a healthy bar so I know that I’m setting myself up to put fuel in my body.”

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