Veteran diagnosed with skin cancer after dentist spots mark on face

Shawn Montgomery visited the dermatologist after his dentist spotted discoloration on his face. (Fox 12)

A routine trip to the dentist last year may have played a key role in saving an Oregon veteran’s life. Shawn Montgomery, who visited the Portland Community College Sylvania Dental Clinic last April, had a small discoloration on his face that concerned his dentist.

Dr. April Love suggested he see a dermatologist about the mark, which turned out to be stage 2 melanoma, Fox 12 reported. Montgomery, who is now cancer-free, wound up having an egg-sized growth removed from his face.


“I was shocked,” he told Fox 12. “It really didn’t hit me until the second procedure until they had to take a large chunk out of my face.”

Montgomery told the news outlet that up until his diagnosis, he didn’t really understand what melanoma was.

“I thought they were just going to take a little snip out of there,” he said.

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