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    Three Must-do Moves

    These exercises focus on lumbo-pelvic stability, dynamic stability and functional strength training.

  • hamstring_curl_1
    Beginner: Bridging on a physioball Lye on the floor and place the heals on the ball. Lift up the hips, keep them straight and arms extended to the side. Move the hips up and down in a very controlled move. Do not let them sag. Squeeze the gluteus when you are up.
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    Andrew Meade Photography
  • hip_up_2
    Advanced: leg curls on the physioball Bring the legs in close to your body while keeping the hips straight and extend. Control the move and don’t let the hips sink or rotate. You should feel the back of the thigh muscles (hamstrings) doing the job.
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    Andrew Meade Photography
  • plank_3
    Beginner: Plank Core tight, hips straight, shoulders down.
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    Andrew Meade
  • plank_4
    Advanced: plank to side twist From a plank twist the body to one side while extending the arm. Control the move and don’t allow your body to move back. You should be in a straight line.
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    Andrew Meade Photography
  • Lunge_5
    Beginner: Lunge Keep the body straight. Don’t let the knees pass your toes and keep the rear leg as close as you can to the floor. Sit back to 90 degrees.
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    Andrew Meade Photography
  • multi_directional_lunges_6
    Advanced: multi directional lunges Perform one backward lunge. Return to the start position and then rotate to a  45 degree angle to lunge bringing the hips back. Keep the core tight, chest up and always bend at your hip not at your back.
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    Andrew Meade Photography
  • push_ups_with_one_leg
    Bonus: push-ups with one leg lifted Do a push-up while  lifting one leg off the floor. Repeat the next set with the other leg. Don’t allow the hips to rotate or sink. Don’t bend the arms beyond a 90 degree angle. Squeeze the scapula together when you are in a down position and don’t shrug your shoulders.
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    Andrew Meade Photography
  • Published
    7 Images

    Three Must-do Moves

    These exercises focus on lumbo-pelvic stability, dynamic stability and functional strength training.

Move Forward
  • Three Must-do Moves
  • hamstring_curl_1
  • hip_up_2
  • plank_3
  • plank_4
  • Lunge_5
  • multi_directional_lunges_6
  • push_ups_with_one_leg