The many benefits of Botox

<a href="">Botox</a> injections work by paralyzing or weakening certain muscles in the body or by blocking nerves. It is commonly injected into the face to reduce the appearance of lines or wrinkles.  <a href="">Related: Demand for Botox, fillers drives US cosmetic surgery growth</a> (iStock)

After patients who received Botox injections reported fewer migraines, studies confirmed that the drug reduced migraine pains - and the procedure became approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. When Botox is injected into the forehead, neck and shoulder, it releases tension in the muscles, relieving strain on the nervous system - which lessens the pain of migraines. <a href="">Click here to learn more about these studies from the National Institutes of Health.</a>

According to the <a href="">Botox website</a>, injections of the drug are effective in stopping the production of sweat by inhibiting the chemical acetycholine, which is what stimulates the sweat glands.  Botox is <a href=";DSECTION=all">FDA-approved</a> for hyperhidrosis.      (iStock)

Studies have shown that Botox can be effective in reducing arthritis pain, according to the <a href="">Mayo Clinic</a>. And Botox's manufacturer, Allergen, offers financial assistance programs to patients suffering from dystonia, a neurological muscle disorder that causes uncontrollable, painful spasms, according to the <a href="">Dystonia Foundation</a>.  By injecting Botox into certain muscle areas, it temporarily paralyzes those muscles, thereby relieving unwanted aches and spasms.  This procedure is also FDA-approved.  <a href="">Yet another study</a> showed that children with cerebral palsy had reduced spasticity and improved ankle range of motion and walking patterns after Botox was injected into their gastrocnemius muscle - located in the back part of the leg.  (iStock)

<a href="">The National Institutes of Health</a> says Botox is increasingly being used to treat patients with an overactive bladder. When Botox is injected into the bladder, it allows the bladder to increase in capacity.  According to a study, the effect may last several months, depending on the amount used.  The injection is also effective in patients with multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injuries, since their conditions typically leave them with bladder problems.

For multiple reasons, such as pelvic floor muscle and connective tissue abnormalities, some women experience pain during sex .   According to Dr. Deborah Coady, a board-certified obstetrician-oncologist, injecting Botox around the perineal area and in the pelvic floor relaxes those muscles, so women are relieved of that pain. <a href="">Click here to learn more about how Botox can help alleviate painful sex.</a>

The FDA has approved Botox to treat<a href=""> strabismus, or lazy eye, and blepharospasm</a>, twitching of the eyelids. The drug works the same way for the eyes as it does for muscles - in small doses, Botox temporarily paralyzes eye muscles. The treatment can last several months and may even cause a permanent change in eye alignment. 

In <a href="">one particular study</a>, a 35-year-old woman who had suffered a stroke was given Botox injections because of upper-limb spasticity. She had lost function in her left hand. For about two years, the woman received Botox injections in her left hand and arm, as well as physical therapy and occupational therapy. The treatment worked, and she regained range of motion and some functional use to the left hand.  

Although Botox is used for many beneficial purposes, there can be <a href="">negative side effects</a> of the treatment. These can include problems swallowing, speaking, or breathing, spread of toxin effects, dry mouth, and headaches.  Always consult with your physician before trying a new treatment.  <a href="">Click here to learn more about Botox and its many uses from the NIH.</a>