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    The Kettlebells Workout

    You can burn more calories per minute when using a kettlebells. Although KBs have been around for a long time, they have been recently reintroduced as a fitness trend.

  • Kettlebell_Swings
    Kettlebell Swings: Flex your hips as if you are sitting back onto a chair and rapidly extend the hips as you lift the arms to shoulder level. Make sure that you use a weight that you can control. The movement should be performed rapidly but in control. Do not use your arms to lift the KB as all the power should come from your hip explosion.
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    Andrew Meade Photography
  • Side_squats
    Side squats: Do one lunge to the side and sit back. Try to touch the floor with the KB while keeping the back straight. Go as low as your back and hips mobility allow.
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    Andrew Meade Photography
  • Squat_to_low_high_wood_chop
    Squat to low high wood chop: This move should be performed rapidly but in control. The force should come from the hips with the side of the abdominals controlling the move when the arms are extended to the side.
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    Andrew Meade Photography
  • Deadlift_reaches_with_KB_1
    Deadlift reaches with KB: From a sitting position lift up your body and then perform one DL to one side, lift up your body and perform another DL to the other side, go back to starting position.
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    Andrew Meade Photography
  • Deadlift_reaches_with_KB_2
    Andrew Meade Photography
  • Deadlift_reaches_with_KB_3
    Andrew Meade Photography
  • Published
    6 Images

    The Kettlebells Workout

    You can burn more calories per minute when using a kettlebells. Although KBs have been around for a long time, they have been recently reintroduced as a fitness trend.

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  • The Kettlebells Workout
  • Kettlebell_Swings
  • Side_squats
  • Squat_to_low_high_wood_chop
  • Deadlift_reaches_with_KB_1
  • Deadlift_reaches_with_KB_2
  • Deadlift_reaches_with_KB_3