The best foreplay foods

Gillian McKeith, a holistic nutritionist and author of "You Are What You Eat" and "Food Bible: How to Use Food to Cure What Ails You" said omega-3 fats is good for those who suffer from erectile dysfunction. McKeith said eating oily fish such as mackerel, tuna or sardines two to three times a week will help you bulk up on those anti-inflammatory omega-3's. (iStock)

Popeye was right when it came to spinach. The leafy green is a great source of iron and calcium. In case you were wondering, muscles need calcium to spasm and contract! (AP)

They may not be your favorite vegetable, but beets are well known for their immune-boosting powers. Beets contain nutrients that help support the liver where sex hormones are formed. The root vegetable is also rich in iron, calcium and potassium "needed to promote healthy circulation to the reproductive organs," McKeith wrote in her book, "The Food Bible: How to Use Food to Cure What Ails You."

If you want to boost your mood and possibly your sex drive, try eating bananas. The fruit is not only rich in the alkaloid compound called bufotenine, which helps improve your mood, according to McKeith, but bananas are also rich in vitamin B6, which helps regulate testosterone levels. (AP)

Try some fresh berries: Strawberries, blueberries and blackberries all contain zinc, needed for a healthy reproductive system, according to McKeith. (iStock)

The smell of cinnamon buns always conjures up some sort of memory, but sex?! The Chinese believe this popular spice "tones" the kidneys to produce a strong flow of energy, according to McKeith. And that's not all. A little cinnamon aromatherapy has also been shown to "arouse" the senses.

Avocados are vital to this sex boosting diet. Not only do they contain high levels of folic acid, which help boost energy, but they also contain vitamin B6, a nutrient that increases male and female hormone production, and vitamin E, which is vital for overall sexual function, according to McKeith.  So break out the guacamole!

You know what they say: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. That's because apples contain quercertin, a flavanoid that's been shown to prevent the growth of your prostate and prostate cancer cells, which can really put a damper on your libido, according to McKeith.