Texas boy battling cancer gets Hawaii trip

Micah Ahern has been battling cancer for the last six years. Now, he's going to Hawaii. (Fox5)

Micah Ahern is about to turn 7 years old and is getting an extra special gift this year— a trip to Hawaii with his family, courtesy of Make A Wish Foundation. Micah was diagnosed with cancer when he was 1 year old.

Micah was initially diagnosed with ganglioneuroblastoma, cancer that grows nerve tissue and was able to manage it with surgeries, Fox5 reported. But the cancer came back in 2013, when it had spread all over his body and into his bones.

The first-grader, who lives in Arlington, Texas, always seems to have strength enough for everyone, said his mother, Linda Ahern.

"He does everything with a smile on his face. He doesn't think his deal is a bad deal," Ahern told Fox5. “He doesn’t know that going to the hospital is not fun; he doesn't know that fighting cancer is a tough thing.”

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Posted by Praying for Micah Ahern on Sunday, March 27, 2016

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