Teen postpones college to help dying friend complete bucket list

Chris Betancourt, 20, was told the leukemia he first battled as a child had returned in September. (My Best Friend's List)

A pair of childhood friends are on their way toward completing a bucket list full of good deeds as one of them faces a devastating cancer prognosis. Chris Betancourt, 20, was given about one year to live after the leukemia he faced as a child returned in September.

Betancourt’s best friend, Dillon Hill, was there for him the first time he was diagnosed with chronic mylogenous leukemia, and the pair bonded over their love of video games. Tragedy struck for them a second time when Betancourt’s sister, who Hill was dating, committed suicide while they were in high school.

In support of his friend’s recent diagnosis, Hill is planning to postpone his studies at UC Davis for the upcoming semester while helping Betancourt complete his 79-item list.


Over Thanksgiving break, the duo got started on the list near their hometown in Sacramento, California, and managed to tick off two tasks by ordering 100 items from a fast-food place and delivering it to the homeless. Video of their good deed went viral.

“I didn’t think we’d get any news coverage, anything of the sort…maybe a few people on YouTube might be like, ‘Alright, good job guys,’” Betancourt told ABC 10. “But to see other people, like, get it on it, was nice.”


Other items on the list include meeting celebrities, falling in love, seeing Yosemite, road tripping and helping to demolish a house. They’re hoping to raise enough funds to embark on their road trip that would help tick off several items along the way.

Currently, Bentancourt’s best hope for treatment is a bone marrow transplant that will require three months of hospital stays, but must be from a donor of Puerto Rican decent. The pair are keeping supporters updated on their list and Bentancourt’s health through the MyBestFriendsList.com website, as well as several social media channels.

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