Sandwich bag helps save premature baby's life


Doctors at a British hospital used a sandwich bag to help save a premature baby’s life after his family rushed him to the hospital, reported. The parents, Jennifer and Jonthan Derwent, of Avonwick, Devon, are now raising money for the medical team who cared for their newborn.

Jennifer, 32, was reportedly out shopping when she began suffering from stomach pains that she thought were harmless. Jonathan, 38, who had helped deliver the couple’s previous child at home, rushed her to the hospital to avoid having to do so again for their second.

At Derriford Hospital in Plymouth, Devon, Isaac Derwent was born 10 weeks early weighing 3 pounds and 11 ounces. After exiting the womb, doctors wrapped him in a sandwich bag to help him stay warm before placing him in an incubator to emulate the environment of the womb.

"It was quite shocking to give birth and then for the first thing to happen is they put your baby in a sandwich bag,” Jennifer told "We do have a picture of him in it, which I am sure we can all laugh about when he gets older. But it kept him warm and helped him get better.”

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The news website reported that baby Isaac spent five weeks in a special care unit following his birth.

In 2015, the Telegraph reported that doctors in Britain helped save a baby born a little over 1 pound by using a sandwich bag to keep her warm. She was born three months premature— no bigger than her mother’s hand.

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