Race against time for toddler who can't eat anything but breast milk

Kallista Smith's rare condition prevents her from consuming foods. (Kallista Konundrum)

An Arizona mother said she has tried everything to help her 18-month-old daughter whose rare condition only allows her to consume a certain type of breast milk, but now needs help as her supply is running low.

Kallista Smith’s mother, Jennifer, said her patterns and symptoms are similar to those of another daughter, Alyssa, who died 18 days after birth, Fox 10 reported. Doctors initially outfitted Kallista with a J-tube that pumped a special formula directly into her stomach, but eventually it stopped working.

“She literally cannot eat anything besides breast milk … breast milk is the only thing she can grow on,” Smith told Fox 10.

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Despite numerous allergy testing and doctor’s appointments, the Smiths cannot find a diagnosis for their daughter and are relying on private insurance for her disability. Arizona does not have a non-dairy breast milk bank.

“What do we do when she hits 1, when she hits 2 … everybody is just saying, ‘We don’t know.’”

The family has started a GoFundMe page in hopes of raising funds to ship non-dairy breast milk and future medical treatments.

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