Quadruplets born to 65-year-old German woman leave hospital

Doctors in Germany say the quadruplets born prematurely to a 65-year-old woman three months ago have been allowed to leave the hospital.

Berlin's Charite hospital said Thursday that doctors would continue to monitor the babies, who all weigh more than 2.5 kilograms (5 pounds 8 ounces).

Baby Neeta and her brothers, Dries, Bence and Fjonn, were delivered during the 26th week of pregnancy by cesarean section on May 19.

Their mother, Annegret Raunigk, is believed to be the oldest woman to have ever produced quadruplets.

The retired schoolteacher has 13 other children aged 10 to 44 from five fathers. She traveled abroad to have donated, fertilized eggs implanted, a procedure that's illegal in Germany.