NY Gov. Cuomo signs bill expanding breast cancer screening

FILE - In this May 6, 2010 file photo, a radiologist uses a magnifying glass to check mammograms for breast cancer in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes, File)

New York is expanding access to breast cancer screening by requiring hospitals to extend hours for mammograms and eliminating insurance costs for the procedure.

Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the measure into law Monday at a ceremony on Long Island. He was joined by longtime girlfriend Sandra Lee. The Food Network star's successful treatment for breast cancer prompted Cuomo to introduce the legislation this year.

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Under the new law, more than 200 hospitals around the state will be required to offer evening and weekend hours for mammograms. Insurance companies will be prohibited from charging deductibles or copays for the procedure.

Following Monday's signing ceremony, Cuomo and musician Billy Joel kicked off a motorcycle ride from Long Island to New Paltz to raise awareness of breast cancer.

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