NFL Alumni To Test Potential Drug Treatment For Brain Injuries

(Photo by Thearon W. Henderson/Getty Images) (2013 Getty Images)

The NFL is getting more involved with the ongoing debate involving the dangers associated with playing tackle football.

Retired professional football players, who are the focus of concern over blows to the head, may soon be used to test a potential treatment for traumatic brain injuries

The day before the NFL draft begins, Neuralstem, Inc., of Rockville, Md., announced it is working with the National Football League Alumni Association to study the feasibility of such a test, which would need government approval. It would involve a drug that's now in an early human trial for treating depression. In animal studies, the drug appeared to stimulate creation of brain cells.

Concern has mounted about brain injuries and disease in former NFL players, driven in part by some high-profile suicides. Thousands of former players are suing the league and its teams, saying that for years the NFL did not do enough to protect players from concussions.

Based on reporting by The Associated Press.

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