Mexican couple welcomes rare set of healthy quadruplets

Pic shows: Laura Patricia gave birth to two girls and two boys in the city of Torreon in the central north state of Coahuila. A Mexican couple are the proud parents of four newborn quadruplets. Laura Patricia gave birth to two girls and two boys in the city of Torreon in the central north state of Coahuila. The four babies are reportedly in good health, although slightly underweight. The babies were born via a caesarean operation in the 35TH week of pregnancy although the relieved 27 year old father Juan Ramirez told media: "they told us it would be week 29 or 30 maximum." The couple were unaware of the sex of one of the babies until he was born as he was always "hiding" during ultrasounds. The healthy babies will now remain in observation with their mother for two weeks before they gain enough weight to see their now home in the arms of their parents. They will also have to spend at least 5 days in incubators being fed their mothers milk. Juan says they are looking for heko from the federal and state authorities for extra help for necessities such as nappies, milk and clothes, as well as for some help towards their education. The couple have also left a number and Juan’s Facebook name in case anyone wants to get in touch to help. "We have heard about people donating milk once a month and things like that, we will take any help we are offered." (ends) (CEN)

A Mexican woman pregnant with quadruplets gave birth recently to four healthy babies: two boys and two girls.

Central European News (CEN) reported that doctors told Laura Patricia and Juan Ramirez their children likely would be born at 29 and 30 weeks gestation. But instead, the babies came at 35 weeks, about five weeks short of a full-term pregnancy. They are reportedly doing well and only slightly underweight.

CEN reported that Patricia and Ramirez knew the sex of three of their babies— the two girls and one boy— but the last remained a mystery because he was always “hiding” during ultrasounds.

For about two weeks, doctors plan to observe Patricia and her newborns at a hospital in Torreon, in the central-north state of Coahuila, and the babies must spend at least five days in incubators receiving their mother’s milk.

Meantime, Patricia and Ramirez are seeking federal and state assistance for items like nappies, milk and clothes, CEN reported. The new parents also are asking for funds to help cover their little ones’ future education.

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"We have heard about people donating milk once a month and things like that,” Ramirez told CEN. “We will take any help we are offered."

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), quadruplets in the United States are rare. In 2013, the latest CDC data available, only 270 sets of quadruplets were born.

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